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Our first night back at the manor felt weird. I go to my room to get ready for bed. I lay down in my bed for the first time in weeks. I just felt weird to be alone. I get up and sneak toward Lyra's room.

I knock on the door and I hear a muffled "come in."

I open the door and see her in her bed with Cepheus next to her. I guess we were all having trouble going to bed.

"Well come on you get the left he gets the right and I'm squished in the middle again," Lyra says.

I go and lay down next to her. She grasp my hand. I drift off with her hand still firmly in mine.
When I wake up the first time it's to Lyra thrashing around. It like the time she had the nightmare about Grandma Bellatrix. Cepheus begin to wake up to. I grab her shoulder and shake her a bit. She get up quickly breathing heavily.

"Did she talk to you in a dream again?" I ask concerned.

"No just- just a nightmare about her," she stutters.

"It's ok just lay back down," Cepheus says.

She lays back down and shuts her eyes. I look over to Cepheus and he gives me a worried look. I shrug and lay back down.
I wake up again but this time it's light out. Our house elf is calmly shaking out arms. I get up with a groan. My sibling get up as well.

We walk downstairs and sit down at breakfast with mom and dad.

"Are we aloud to ask questions?" Asks Cepheus.

"Yes of course,"my mother say hastily.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Cepheus asks.

"Because the last thing I wanted was for you guys to have to live under the stress of being related to not only Bellatrix LeStrange and one of the worst villains of his time but still have to live with being a Malfoy," says my mom.

I nod. I guess that makes sense.

"We're you helping her?" Lyra asks in a stutter.

"only because if I didn't she would hurt you," says mom.

That makes sense too.

"We have some of your friends that have been dying to see you if you feel up to it," say dad.

I look to my sibling first. Lyra has a spark in her eyes that look excited to see people again. I look at Cepheus and he nods in a agreement.

"Yah," I say.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now