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"Shut up Albus. Only I get to talk about my sister like that," I yell at him.

"Fine sorry," Albus says.

I let out an ugh.

"Would it makes it up to you if I said she looked really pretty tonight?" Asks Albus.

"You still have a crush on my sister?" I asks concerned.

He's had a crush on my little sister for as long as I can remember. When we were seven he told me he was going to marry her. I've given up fighting him.

"Yah I still have a crush on her. Her brown hair and soft blue eyes," Albus says.

"Ew, stop telling me about your feelings for my SISTER!" I say emphasize sister.

"Wow, your on edge tonight," he says.

"Shut up," I snap.

"Seriously thought what's wrong?" He asks.

"I don't know. Maybe it's my sister being in my house or just being back at school after spend my entire summer locked up in my room in my giant mansion," I say.

"Oh your life is horrid. At least your dad isn't the famous Harry Potter. Who also happens to be one of the best Gryphindors of all time and has a Slytherine son," he says.

"That's fair," I say.

I stop at my bed and find a letter sitting on it. It says to the malfoy children. So it's not just for me. The seal on it say BDL.

That wasn't a name I was familiar with. Albus looks at me confused as I rip open the letter.

Dear malfoy children,

I would love to meet you soon. Your mother has been keeping me a secret. We'll meet soon I promise. I suggest keeping this letter a secret or you'll be in a world of trouble.

Signed, BDL

"What's that," asks Albus.

"I don't know but I need to go find my siblings," I say.

I rush out of the room and catch Lyra leaving her common room.

"Lyra come on we need to find Cepheus," I say as I grab her arm.

"Why?" She asks as I pull her along.

"I got this freaky letter and it's to all of us. Come on, hurry up," he says.

"Did you read it?" Lyra asks concerned.

"I-uh yah," I say.

"How could you be so stupid?" She asks.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now