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I'm sitting with my Carson at the Hufflepuff table with Clara across from me. I see the first years come in. I quickly scan the crowd for Lyra.

I see her standing by Sidney. I give her a smile and I thumbs up.

Mom was telling her it didn't matter what house she was sorted into. Then mom and dad began, as they call it, having an aggressive conversation over which house is better, Gryphindor or Slytherine.

I personally like my house. Hufflepuff is great. Everyone is so nice and it's really easy to make friends.

I watch her step up to the hat.

"Yes, hm it'll have to be Slytherine," the hat yells.

The Slytherine table erupts I cheers as I see Scorpius stand up clapping. She walks towards the table and sits next to Scorpius.

He wraps his arm around her and ruffles her hair. She pushes him off. She look at me with a huge smile. I guess that was the house she wanted.

I give her a thumbs up as she laughs. She turns to see where the rest of the first years get sorted.

"Black, Sidney," professor longbottom says.

Sidney gets up to the chair and the hat is place on her head.

"Ravenclaw," says the hat.

"Congrats on your sister. She looks happy," says Clara.

"Yah, she does. I really think she wanted to be in fathers house," I say.

"Yah you really are the weirdo of you family mr. Hufflepuff," says Carson.

"Hey my mom wasn't Slytherine," I say back.

"Oh right yes,  she was in the mighty Gryphindor. Our house is the bottom of the barrel," says Clara.

"That's not true," I say.

"Keep saying that," says Clara.

I shake my head as the food appears in front of us.

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