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"I made the quidditch team!" I yell.

"My man," says Albus as he gives my a high five.

"Seeker like my dad," I say.

"Nice, I think my dad wanted me to play quidditch but I didn't. My brother can be the best in that category," he says.

"Yah my brother always seems to be the best at everything to," I say.

"Your sister is really good at thing too," Albus says.

"For the last time, stop hitting on my sister. Or at least stop while I'm around," I say.

"I can't help it," he says.

I know that my sister has a crush on him and obviously he likes her. I just don't say anything to either of them. I remember talking to my dad about it.

"Sometime it's just best to let them figure it out by themselves. I didn't figure this out until years later, but uncle Jacob knew that I liked your mother and that your mother liked me but he left it alone and look now I have you," I remember my dad telling me.

So I did and I continue to do so. They make it so hard sometime when they get all awkward just because they're in the same room together. It just makes me want to shout get together all ready.

"I mean how would you feel if I hit on Lily?" I ask.

Lily is Albus's sister. She's kind of cute but I really don't feel that way about her. I know I struck a bit of a nerve there.

"That is disgusting dude," he says.

"Yah welcome to my life," I say.

"Ok yah gross but I can't help it. Beside you don't have a huge crush on my sister. Right?" He says.

"No," I say.

I hear a knock at the door. I go to open it. My sister is standing in the door way.

"Hi, Lyra, what's up," I ask her.

"Are we going to talk about the thing or not?" She asks.

"Now?" I ask.

Her eyes widen as she realizes Albus is in the room. I look to Albus and see him looking away. I knew he'd been trying to not make eye contact since she came to the door.

"Ugh," I say.

My sister widens her eyes at me.

"You know what lee we us go talk about the letter," I say.

"Ok," she says as she lets out a sigh if relief.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now