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"Mom where're here," yells Cepheus.

"Hi kids," mom says walking into the living room.

She gives us all a hug and a quick kiss on the top of our head.

"I'll take your stuff," says our house elf.

"Thanks," I tell Volly.

Volly is our free house elf. She takes my bags up to my room. I head to the kitchen and grab a water. I feel someone come up behind me and wrap me in a hug. I let out a little squeal.

"Hi dad," I say.

"Hi my little Slytherine," he says.

"Scorpius is in Slytherine you know," I say.

"Yah, but I already gave him a hug for being a Slytherine last year," he says.

"Ok dad," I mumble.

"I just wanted a hug," he says.

"Fine, ok," I say wrapping him in a hug.

"Aw sweet," my mom said.

She must have walked in a minute ago because I didn't know she was there and I jumped a little.

"Lyra, what do you say we go get you a new dress for the party in a few night?" My mom asks.

"Yah sure," I mumble.

"When you get back we can play with fireworks," my dad whispers.

I smile hoping he's serious. He lets go and I go with mom to the fire place.

We toss the floo powder and appear in diagon alley. We make our way to the dress shop when I notice Josie and her younger brother at Flourish and Blotts.

"Mom, can I go say hi to Josie?" I ask trying to put off dress shopping.

"Sure," she says.

I rush over.

"Josie!" I say giving her a hug.

"Oh hi!" She says.

"Hi Luna, long time no see," I hear my mom say to Josie's mom.

"Yes," agrees Luna.

Her voice has a dream like feel to it. She's so calm and at peace.

"Why are you here?" Asks Josie.

"To get a dress for the Christmas party," I mumble.

"You don't sound excited," she says.

"No, but dad told me if I did this we could play with fireworks," I say.

"Wait he said what?" My mom asks.

I laugh a little and continue my conversation with Josie.

"Lyra, we should go," my mom says after a few minutes.

"Fine I guess," I say.

"Bye Lyra," says Josie going inside Flourish and Blotts.

I wave as the four shuts behind her. We continue walking down the street until we come to the old building. I walk and am swarmed with ladies ready to fit me for a dress. I step up onto the platform and they begin to measure.

"Mom, why don't the boys have to do this?" I ask.

"Because their dress robes are generic. Your dresses need to change and keep people interested," she says.

"Yah ok," I sigh.

"Be good I have to go get my dress," she says leaving the room.

The woman continues to pin the dress and stitch it to fit my body.

"Aaannd done," she says.

I look in the mirror and am pleasantly surprised.

The dress was dark green with the shoulders sagging onto my arms. It was puffy but comfortable. I adjusted the corset slightly and examined myself in the mirror. The dress shined slightly in the candle light.

 The dress shined slightly in the candle light

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Moments later my mother made her way in. Her dress was dark red with a diamond like belt. It was simpler than mine but equally as beautiful.

I slip the dress off and change back into my other clothes

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I slip the dress off and change back into my other clothes. They wrap up the dresses and we head back to the manor.

"How was the dress?" Scorpius teases.

"Shut up," I mumble carrying my dress up to my room as I hear my brother laughing.

I set my dress on my rose gold couch. My room is white with light pink curtains and a crystal chandelier. In the center of my room I have to pink couches with a glass table in the center of them. On the far end of my room was my bed. It was a canopy with the light pink curtains hanging down. I had a small balcony that faced the forest in the backyard. I have a white wooden dresser on the other end from my bed. On the last wall I had the door with two statues by it.

 On the last wall I had the door with two statues by it

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As much I hate girl stuff this room was my safe haven. I plop down on the other couch and grab my book off my table. My owl come flying in and drops a letter by me. I rip it open and begin reading.

Dear Lyra,

I know it's a little late to ask but do you want to go to your families Christmas party with me. If you already have a date I understand just please write back.
Sincerely, Albus Potter

I briefly stopped breathing. I let out a little squeal. I get up and run to the first person I could think of. Scorpius room was right across from mine. I push open the door and jump up and down waving the letter in front of him.

"Use your words," he insists.


"He did what now?" Scorpius asks confused.

I'm still bouncing up and down as Scorpius gets up and grabs my arms to settle me down.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now