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I wake up to the chattering of movement downstairs. The party was getting set up. I take a deep breathe and get up. I through on clothes and head downstairs to see the progress.

It was looking good. Cepheus walks up to me.

"I got one of the letters. It had the packages it was talking about," he says.

I rush upstairs to his room. His room wasn't as tidy as Scorpius's but still neater than mine. His walls were also black with a window at his far wall. I'm front of his window he had a desk. He had a couch with a grey rug. He had a few bookshelves. On the right he had a big canopy bed with his yellow curtains he'd gotten after being sorted into hufflepuff.

(Kind of)

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(Kind of)

He had a few clothes in his floor that he quickly pushed into a pile on the floor.

He handed me a small box with my name on it. Scorpius walks in moments later and takes his. I look down and carefully open the box. I pull out a vial with a label Amortentia.

"What's in it?" Cepheus asks concerned.

"Um, Amortentia," I say confused.

"Oooooooh," Scorpius says.

"What?" I ask.

"Mystery woman sent you a love potion," taunts Cepheus.

"It's a what now!" I say.

"Wow, according to the mystery woman your current endeavor is Albus!" Cepheus yells.

"Shut up!" I say blushing and turning away from them.

"I got a potion book with-" Scorpius starts.

We look at him to finish but he doesn't. He closes the book and sh"miles a little. I look at Cepheus but he just shrugs.

Cepheus looks at his package and opens it carefully. He cocked his head at whatever's inside.

"It's a cup," he says.

He holds up a golden cup. It had the hufflepuff symbol on it.

"Why'd they give you that?" I ask.

"How am I suppose to know?" He says.

We hear a knock at the door and we quickly hide away or packages. Mom steps in looking at us three.

"Kids you need to start getting ready. Lyra come with me," she says.

My brothers give me a smile taunting me as I walk out to go get ready for the party.

I walk across the corridor to my bedroom. I shut the door quietly knowing if it's to loud it'll echo through the house. A house elf quickly rushes in and begins to help me change and do my hair.

I had hair braided into a small ponytail and then curled the pieces meticulously.

I put on my bodice and tie it tightly

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I put on my bodice and tie it tightly. I slip into my green dress and look in the mirror.

"It would look good with your golf heel," Volly the house elf suggest.

"Your right, thanks Volly," I say.

I slip on the heels securing them at the top.

I look at myself in the mirror and frown slightly

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I look at myself in the mirror and frown slightly. I hated how good I look. I do a little spin admiring the dress. My mom must have walked in because I see her standing by my couch.

"I guess you like it?" She asks.

"No," I insist.

"Sure. Anyways get ready to head downstairs. I know you already know but you have to walk downstairs with your brothers," my mom tells me.

"Ok," I whine.

"I love you," she says.

I smile and nod.

"I love you too. See you downstairs," I say.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now