Lexi (mom)

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I remember the first letter my kids sent me:

Dear mom,

We want to know who Bellatrix Lestrange is. She's been mailing us and we want to know more. She says we're family and she looks a lot like you. Please tell us more,

Love you,
Cepheus, Scorpius, and Lyra

My heart stopped at this. Somehow my mom had contacted my kids but what was worse was what came afterwards.

I ran upstairs to find Draco. I hand him the note as the tears started to roll. He pulls me close and scans the letter. I look up at him and he had tears forming in his eyes.

I hear a knock at the door and I walk downstairs collecting myself up to talk to people. I open the door and find my nightmare.

"Hi honey," says the cackling voice.

For the first time in years I see my mother standing in front of me.

"What the HELL did you do?" I ask angrily.

Draco comes up behind me putting his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it a little hard.

"Why do you assume I did something I'm just here to see how my daughter is doing," she says strolling into MY house.

"The kids told me! What did you do?" I ask again.

She turns around looking at me with a devilish grin.

"Nothing I swear they're fine," she says.

"Where are my kids?" I demand.

"Safe, for now," she says waving her hand.

"Where are they!" Draco yells at her.

"And hello to you to Malfoy," she says.

Draco pulls me closer to him. I look at him and see the anger on his eyes. His fist are clenched and his jaw seems tight.

"Where are my kids!" He demands again.

"Once again safe. Now down to business. Lexi can I talk to you...alone," she asks.

"No!" Draco demands.

"Hey I'll be ok. We need to keep our kids safe. I'll be safe I promise," I say kissing him on the cheek.

He lets go of me and I skittishly walk towards my mother.

"If you hurt her I swear-" Draco starts.

"She'll be fine," my mother says cutting him off.

I lead her down the hall to the living room. She sits down on the couch and motions for me to do the same. I sit down on the opposite side as far away from her as possible.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"That is no way to speak to your mother. I just need your help, and as long as your helpful your kids are safe. I don't think I'm asking a lot," she says.

"What do I need to do?" I ask hesitantly.

My mother puts on an evilish grin. A chill goes down my spine and I wish I hadn't asked.

"The world hasn't had a dark wizard in a long time," she starts.

She gets up and looks at my  left arm. She runs her thumb over where my dark mark used to be. It send a chill down my spine thinking about that time.

"Don't you think it's time for a new one? Maybe even female," she says.

It becomes clear what she's asking.

"No you can't , this is absurd, I won't help, I just can't- " I start babbling.

"I'm not asking darling. If you want your kids safe you'll have to help. No other options," she says.

"What about Draco?" I ask in a stutter.

"Well of course he can help. Now if you don't mind I need to run. I'll send letters with some... tasks," she says.

She stands up and apparates away. I storm out of the living room and head back to the parlor to Draco.

He storms up to me and looks around, obviously for my mother.

"She left," I say.

He nods and wraps me in a hug.

"What did she- are they safe," he begins.

"I think so," I say back.

"What did she need?" He asks.

That's when I start to form tears. I latch onto his shirt and he puts his hand on my head. I rest my head onto his chest. I can hear his heart beat which has always seemed calming but nothing was calming now.

I take a deep breath and tell him what my mother wanted. I see a tear well up in his eye too. He pulled me back into a hug and we didn't talk about it for the rest of the night.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now