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"How could you be so stupid?" I ask Scorpius.

"I know now hurry up. Cepheus is the smartest one of us, if anyone is going to figure this out it's him," Scorpius says.

"Figure out what?" I ask.

"Who wrote the letter. It had the initials BDL," he says.

We get to the hufflepuff common room door.

"Ok now what," I ask Scorpius.

"Yah, I don't know," he says.

Ironically enough the door opens and we see Cepheus's friend Carson.

"Hey Carson can you get Cepheus for us?" I ask.

"Um yah," he says obviously confused.

Moments later the door opens and Cepheus emerges with Carson by his side. Scorpius grabs his wrist too and pulls us away from the door.

"Ok to sum up what she already knows, I got this letter with initials on it and just read it," Scorpius says.

Cepheus's eye scan the page. His eyes widen.

"Would you people let me see it?" I ask.

Cepheus nods and reluctantly hands me the price of parchment.

I look over the page. I get to the part about mom keeping something from us or more like someone.

"Yah see. This is actually important this time," says Scorpius.

"Cepheus, do you know those initials?" I ask.

"I-um no I don't," he says.

"Are we going to tell mom?" I ask.

"I vote no. Whoever this is really doesn't want mom to know plus now I'm interested in who this is," Scorpius says.

"That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard," I say.

"I agree with her," says Cepheus.

"Of course you do," grumbles Scorpius.

"We're all on edge. Let's circle back to this tomorrow," Cepheus says.

"Yah," agrees Scorpius.

"Night," Cepheus says kissing my forehead and giving Scorpius a pat on the back.

I walk back with Scorpius.

"Why do you two always take each other's sides. You guys like never agree with me," asks Scorpius.

I didn't want to admit that it was true. Cepheus and I always seem to be on the same page and agree all the time.

"I don't know?" I say.

He shrugs but has a bit of a sad/annoyed face on.

We get back into the common room. The fire still blazing bright I sit on the couch for a minute. Scorpius sits next to me.

"I didn't mean it about you and Cepheus. I mean you for take each other's sides a lot but it's ok because my side always seems to be the stupider side," he says.

"Don't beat yourself up. Your not always stupid you know. I mean loom at tonight, you were smart enough to bring the letter to us instead of hiding it," I say.

"Yah, I guess," he says.

I give him and get up to go to my dorm room. I turn to see Albus potter walking towards us.

"Hi Lyra," he says.

I feel my heart skip a beat but I continue walking.

I have a small crush but I know he doesn't really like me back. I think he like Rose Granger-Weasley. I shake away that feeling as I get to my dorm.

Most of the girls were already asleep. I see that Josie is one of them. I change into pjs and get in bed.

I think about the letter as I drift to sleep.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now