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I curl up into my bed and close my eyes. I lay for about thirty minutes before I sit up.

"Ugh," I say to myself.

I take a deep breath and lye backdown. For a few moments I wait for sleep to take me over but soon give up. I hop off my bed and tip toe downstairs.

I see my dad standing at the kitchen sink. His hair was messy and his face looked tired. He looks back at me and arches his eyebrows.

Everyone always says that I look like him. My siblings all have my moms brown hair while I got my dad platinum blonde. I also got his jaw line and grey-blue eyes. The only thing differing is my I have my moms body structure.

"Is something wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Yah I'm fine Scorpius," he says.

"Dad, I'm not a kid something's wrong. Just tell me," I say.

"I'm seriously fine. It's ok," he says after taking a breath.

He comes over and gives me a hug. He messes with my hair a little.

"I'm fine go back to bed," he says.

"Ok dad," I say moving out of the hug.

I march back upstairs still worried about dad. His eyes have dark marks under them and his hair was stringy and down in his face.

I go back upstairs and lay back into my bed. Once again though sleep eludes me. I let out a groan and toss onto my side. For about fifteen minutes I'm laying in silence. I feel my eyes drift shut and I let out one more breath before going to sleep.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now