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The door creaks open revealing grandma bellatrix.

"You have a er- guest," she says.

The door opens wider reveal our mom. We get up and run too her giving her a hug.

"I missed you three so much," she says with a sob.

I cling to her tightly. The thought pops into my brain though. Why is she here? What if she really is working with Bellatrix.

"Times up, let's go sweetheart," says grandma Bellatrix.

She lets go of us. I try to run and grab her but Scorpius gets to me first. He grabs my hand and hold me back by wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"NO MOM!" I yell still try to break from Scorpius's grasp.

She keeps walking and doesn't look back. I collapse as she leaves. Scorpius hold me up for a moment before letting me fall on the ground.  Cepheus sits down next to me and hugs me.

"Its ok, stop crying, it's okay," he says.

This is the most with it I've seen him in a while. I hug him back but the tears keep streaming. I look at Scorpius and he's crouched at my side. He has a tear welling in his eye. I pull out my hand and gesture for him to get in the hug. He scoots in and wraps one arm around me and another around Cepheus.

We hear a bang at the door then a small explosion. We look through the dust to see uncle Harry and uncle Ron.

"Well come on," says uncle Ron.

My brothers get up and help me up. We approach them and they direct us out of the room. My hands are locked in my brothers hands the whole way.

We stop in front of a room where I see my mom and aunt Hermione hold down grandma bellatrix. Harry and Ron push us behind a wall and go out to help the girls.

They pin her down and tie her to a pillar. The four of them come to find us.

"Take my hands," our mom instructs.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione apparate away. We grab our moms hand but then someone comes up behind us and grabs Scorpius. I let go of moms hand a jump at him. Cepheus follows me right as mom apparates. I grab a wand that's on the ground.

"Move!" I yell at Scorpius.

He ducks down as Cepheus shoots a petrification spell at the man. He falls on the ground as mom comes back. She grabs us and takes us to the manor.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now