Chapter 24: New Rules🎀

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A few days later everyone was starting to get used to abuela not being around anymore. Everything was just the same as before but less, Cheery and kind.

there were just dull bland greetings, and no one barely interacted with each other at the table.

Dolores wouldn't even gossip anymore because, there was nothing to gossip about. Everyday it's the same routine: Wake up, Eat, Get ready for the day, Do chores, Eat, And sleep. Nothing interesting, no activities, no dates, no sleepovers, just nothing.

Everything was so different now and you couldn't bare with it. The forest was the only thing that made sense. You didn't feel like you were dating Dolores anymore, You were just dating a sad robot who was only programed to cry and lay in bed all day.

You didn't judge the way she mourned but she didn't spare the way you felt about the situation.

Tonight you thought about skipping dinner but you decided to leave the forest and go anyways. 

*At dinner*

"Can I have your attention" Julieta weakly anounced. "Since I'm the oldest after...Her, I am in charge from now on but, It doesn't feel right." She paused and weakly smiled.that was the first emotion any of the, ever showed.

 "So...I think mirabel should guard the candle and be our family matriarch" she said proudly. Mirabel's sad face brightened up. For once there was happy news.


"Really ma?" She asked excitedly.  "Well, of course, abuela would've wanted it" I am guessing things are going to be a lot better. Dolores smiled and I took her hands and squeezed it from under the table.

*A few weeks later*

Same routine, Same chores, Same people, Same town, just a different day. By now We Have gotten over abuela and moved on with our lives. With mirabel as matriach she established some new rules.

She now allowed pepa to express her emotions the way she feels. Now, we have different signals for when Pepa's emotions get too out of hand. 

New rules have been established in the house to make sure everyone's gifts are noticed and carefully taken care of. Dolores now has these earmuffs that wok great, It doesn't block out everything but it clears he mind a bit.

There are family portraits everywhere so Camilo doesn't forget what he looks like. Julieta now has this chef helping her, He comes to the house 3 times a day so Julieta can get a beak.

Mirabel imported these huge wagons from America for Luisa so she doesn't have to carry so much.

With my new gift and all, Things haven't been the best, people in town are always fighting just because I'm still dealing with the fact abuela is gone. Maybe I thought things would be better now that she is gone but it's the exact opposite. The madrigals practically raised me. I left my parents when I was 14 and they took me in.

Abuela always treated me like family. It just hurts. Aside from that, Things have been running smoothly, Isabela gave birth to her baby a couple days ago and she named him Damien.

We still don't know who the father is and neither does she but, she is talking to this girl and maybe her child might just end up with 2 parents after all.

(SORRY! I thought I posted this chapter but but there was a glitch, this was supposed to be updated 4 days ago)

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