Chapter 27: yes🎀

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Y/n POV 

After Julieta got all of the food done I rushed over to the picnic and set the food up. "Dolores can you come to our tree" I whispered to the air. The wind blowed threw my hair and I smiled. Just like old times. 

Our play dates used to be so much like this.

I sat and waited for about 10 minutes and she finally showed up. " y/n what's all this?" She sad kindly. "Oh my god, I remember when we were kids, this is just like our old play dates but with food instead of dirt and bottle caps" she joked.

" here sit" I signaled to the spot next to me. " we usually just go to restaurants for our dates, what's the special occasion?"

"Does it have to be a special occasion for me to please my girl?" I playfully said. She chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Thanks" 

I uncovered the blanket over the food. "These are all my favorites!" She took a tamale and tasted it. After a while of eating and talking I decided to ask the question. "Let's play a game, stand up" we both stood up. She looked confused though. 

"Let's play hide and seek" that might sound like a stupid way to propose but I knew what I was doing. "What are we? 5?" She giggled. "Would you rather  complain or play?" She playfully rolled her eyes and turned around. 

I took my chance and got down on one knee. I got out the ring and waited for her to finish counting. She turned around and gasped. "Mi amor..." she touched her heart and cupped her cheek.

"Look, I guarantee that we'll have tough times, and I'll guarantee that at some point, both of us will get sick and tired of eachother but, I also guarantee that if i don't ask you to be mine,  I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart, you're the only one for me" she started to tear up.

That melted my heart. "Dolores will you marry me?" She wiped the tear out of her face. 'Please say yes' I thought to myself. "Yes!" I slipped the ring on her finger and she hugged me tightly. "You don't even know how long I've been waiting for this!" 

"I love you" I kissed her and later realized what she said. "Wait what?"

"I wanted you to propose to me so badly! I don't know why you were waiting for so long" Dolores looked at her ring.

"Well I thought you were sad about abuela?" 

"Yeah but some exiting news could've cheered me up" she smiled. My expression dropped. Maybe I did wait for too long. Maybe she thought that I didn't love her enough to ask her to marry me. 

"But that doesn't mean I would change a thing" Dolores closed the ring box. "Thanks babe" I blushed.

"Let's finish eating before Camilo smells it" I giggled and sat down with her. I couldn't have asked for more.


When we got back to the house. Casita opened the door wildly for us. I guess it was already time for dinner. "Where have you two been?" Pepa asked. "Y/n proposed to me" Dolores proudly shouted off her ring.

"Congratulations!" Everyone said. "Y/n is finally my big sister" Antonio giggled. Damien was so cute and looked so much like Isabela. "That's so great for you two" Camilo winked and held hands with his fiancé.

"Well don't you guys want to sit and eat" Pepa asked.

"Oh trust me they don't want to eat" Julieta joked. "We are going to rest" and the both of us left

(Short chapter sorry.)

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