Izuku Yoo: The Legacy of Mira Yoo

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Life was never easy for anyone nor was it fair for anyone. As long as people kept ranking each other from strongest to weakest, from useful to non useful. There will be no equality, all that will be left is discrimination and a world which contradicts itself if it meant they could benefit the most. People will always say that with great power comes great responsibility and that the strong should always look at helping others no matter how weak or insignificant they are compared to them but how many people really follow it?

How many people in this world can help others without looking at receving anything in return? Those people are very rare and sadly most of them don't really live long because they are either killed because they threatened the hierarchy of the world or were deemed useless because they didn't qualify nor have an ideal power that would paint the Hero society in favorable light. After all, in a world were superhuman ability are bestowed upon 80% of the population and 20% are powerless, a new profession rose in which a select few individual get to live as superheroes who protects the society from the evil-doers but is it really the truth?

In this fragile society made out of glass, the hero association seeks to remain in power. Heroes should always be perfect as they represent them, as such even among the 80% of the quirked society only those with the ideal quirks could become heroes while those who are born with useless quirks are made to live civilian life watching the heroes work while they are stuck office working. Others among the 80% of the quirked society are born with what people labelled as 'villainous quirk' which they are ostracized and pushed away until they rebelled and became villains because the corrupt hero society needs villains to keep the status quo. 

Everyone did what they wished, those who became villains had chosen this life because that's what they wanted at the end regardless of their past. Heroes became ones because that's what they wanted regardless of wither they are in it for the fame or for saving others. At the end of the day, everyone chooses how their life plays but like they say "when you make a choice, you also chose the consequence." Nobody is free from consequences of their action, even if said person is the most virtuous person on the planet.

This is how Izuku Midoriya had lived his life, being quirkless had made him an outcast among his peers whom he had at one point thought they had a deep and meaningful bond. Having lost his mother at a very young age due to stress of having to raise her only child who happened to be quirkless had been burdening on her and as much as she wanted to shield her son for as long as she could, death can't be stopped by anybody. Even though he lost his mother, he had gained a new purpose thanks to the help of his ancestor Mira Yoo.

 Even though he lost his mother, he had gained a new purpose thanks to the help of his ancestor Mira Yoo

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Love Interest:

Nana Shimura (Young):

I've been debating on who should be Izuku love interest in this book and I've been having a hard time deciding since I wanted to figure out if I should ship him with Yui Kodai considering that like Izuku she is the silent type since I'm planning on having Izuku be a little like Todoroki but with a few mood swings like his mother Mira Yoo not to mention I thought that Yui's quirk application will work well with Izuku since she can increase the size of the swords and you know the gist. Other then that, I thought that Izuku x Yui ship is pretty quite rare and thought it would have been an exciting ship but at the end I decided against it since I don't think I have time to try and have Yui break out of her shell and be more sociable.

The other ship was obviously Yaoyorozu but then again I'm sure everyone got tired of seeing this ship and even I wanted to avoid having an Izumomo ship. So that pretty much was out of the window in a matter of seconds and luckily while trying to look for MHA girls to ship Izuku with, I've ran into Nana Shimura and after contemplating it, I thought it would be a good ship since she is outgoing in personality like Nejire but at the same time she is not naïve but obviously she will be younger in this. 

Honestly, I don't how I'm going to have it work but you can give me an idea on how I should introduce her character and the few suggestion that I have are the following: 

1) Reincarnation: Pretty self-explanatory but Nana will be reincarnated again into a teenager somehow and will join UA and gain OFA in the process but the only thing that bothers me in this whole thing is that while she is younger but she is older in terms of mindset.

2) Worldbuilding: This obviously means that I'm going to have to change a lot of things such as that Nana Shimura was never the 7th user of OFA nor did she exist in All Might teenage days. That means that Shigaraki is not Nana's grandson.

3) OFA singularity: Now this will be a little different, We will say that Nana Shimura was filled with sadness and grief over the time she lost due to being killed by AFO as such OFA reacting to her emotion created another version of her when she was a teenager (A time in her life where she was the most happiest) and bring her outside to live her life. (Kind of like Mori Hui in which she is her own person but she is not a clone)

4)Time Travel: Nana will be brought back from her original timeline when she was still a teenager living as a student at UA and she will join the new society with Izuku helping her. She will eventually drop the idea of ever returning to her timeline because she fell in love with Izuku.

Of course you can go ahead and give me ideas that you might think would work well or if you don't have one then you can vote and decide which one of the four suggestions do you like the most. Also tell me should Nana only have OFA or should I have her learn martial arts or give her a Charyeok. 

Hero Names:

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Hero Names:

I want ideas for hero names for both Izuku and Nana so any suggestions would be really appreciated. Those following hero names are my ideas, give your opinion on it as well. 

1) Crusade Hero: Moonlight (Izuku hero name)

2) Hero of Hope: Paragon (Nana's hero name)

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