Izuku Granbell: King of Magimech!

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Author Note: As you can see from the picture above and below, the story will be about Izuku having the power of [Satan Gravity] that belongs to Shiki Granbell. The reason that spurted this idea mainly came from the fact that Shiki looked a little bit like Izuku aside from the hair color. The ether gear of [Satan's Gravity] gives a green like veins which I find fitting to Izuku. 

The event will take place in the DXD universe given that Izuku will be known as the Demon King because of his ether gear so I thought the universe of DXD would be a fitting place for him to start his journey since I want to take a similar approach to how Shiki had done in which Izuku will create his own group/peerage member to go on journey since I feel that Izuku in the MHA universe will be restricted. 

Also regarding Shiki Granbell, this will be his future counterpart where Rebecca had lost both her legs and was in a coma. In this story, Shiki had lost Rebecca afterwards because she died in her sleep. Shiki tried to move on by attempting to fall in love again which he was successful in doing as he had Izuku but due to circumstances he was send away and was unable to reconnect with Izuku until later. 

In a world where 80% of the population possess supernatural ability called quirks, Izuku quickly  found himself apart of the 20% of the population who didn't possess quirks essentially being labelled as quirkless. Izuku suffered discrimination on a daily basis as he wasn't special enough like all other kids who had started to develop quirks at the age of 4, everybody seem to always have something to say to him in regards to his 'deficiency' and many of his friendship that he had built had all shattered. Izuku could only endure hoping that he'd become a great hero like his idol the symbol of peace and number 1 pro hero All Might. 

One day, Izuku was told by his former childhood friend turn bully to take a swan dive of the roof of the building and hope for a quirk in his next life but despite those cruel words, Izuku never stopped dreaming of becoming a great hero that is until he met his idol. Being told by his idol that he couldn't become a hero because he is quirkless had been the final blow for Izuku who had his dreams shattered at the top of a roof. Realizing that there was no future for him in this world, Izuku decided to take the advice of his former childhood friend and jump from the roof. 

Before he could impact the ground, he found himself falling into an unknown wormhole that took him to a new different world but he wasn't alone as he found himself facing a black haired man with a bright smile. Finally getting the opportunity to meet his father Shiki Granbell, Izuku had finally learned about the powers that laid dormant inside him including getting the chance to finally spend time with his father after years of being apart from each other. What will Izuku do with the power of [Satan's Gravity]? Will Izuku form his peerage? What kind of adventure will he go on?

Love Interest:

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Love Interest:

1) Mirajane Strauss

Mirajane is one of the love interest for Izuku Midoriya, Due to her magic power [Take Over: Satan Soul]. Mira found herself going through a lot of hardship along with her siblings especially when her power was exposed to an exorcist of the church leading to her and her siblings being hunted down by the church. At one point, she was cornered along with her siblings but before they were eliminated due to their power, Izuku had appeared having killed the attackers and rescued her. 

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