Naruto Shihōin: Son of Flash!

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Author Note: I don't really often see a Naruto Shihōin Fanfiction and I felt the need to make one. The premises of the story will be the following: Naruto Uzumaki had been sent on a Retrieval mission to bring back Sasuke Uchiha but as a result had ended up dying during the final clash (Orange Rasengan vs Black Chidori). 

He had reincarnated but as the son of Yoruichi Shihōin and Kisuke Urahara. It happened 200+ years before the start of the series meaning at the time, both Kisuke and Yoruichi were captains. This leaves Naruto at the same age as Soifon. Now there is one thing that need to be known but Naruto reincarnation was known to both Yoruichi and Kisuke ever since his birth. 

How? Well...Kisuke is smart even if he is eccentric so he will figure out that Naruto was not acting like how a baby should normally be. He and Yoruichi still loves Naruto regardless and kept his first name as it is but changed his last name to Shihōin (This is just to make it easier for me to not confused the readers by the change of name).

According to the Bleach verse, Souls gets reincarnated, the first time they enter Soul Society and if they die there, they would once more reincarnate as a human. Those who get Konsō don't have any memories of their previous life. Besides, Yoruichi and Kisuke are around 400+ years old. 

Naruto Uzumaki is the Jinchuriki of the fearsome Nine Tails that had just terrorized the village a decade ago until it was defeated by the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze. His life so far was far from being pleasant, with people constantly whispering hurtful words at ear shot distance or the kids who refused to play with him due to their parents disapproval of him. Naruto lived a life filled with loneliness and suffering not knowing the love of a father nor the love of a mother. 

Despite the hardship, Naruto truly tried as he trained even when the academy teachers ignored everything he said treating him as nothing more then troublemaker. Even when he failed the academy twice, he didn't give up and persevered until he had finally graduated managing to also learn the reason behind the people unreasonable hatred but he felt that he could overcome said hatred and prove himself by becoming the Hokage. 

Joining as a Genin part of team 7 led by Kakashi Hatake, Naruto had tried as despite the rocky start with his two teammates, they had created what he believed to be a long lasting bond of trust and comradery but was proven wrong when Sasuke Uchiha, a person whom he resonated the most with had fled the village to join the S-rank Nuke Nin Orochimaru. Being stabbed in the chest with the Chidori was the last thing Naruto had imagined would happen. 

What will happen when Naruto is reincarnated as the son of Yoruichi Shihōin? How will Naruto fare this time with a new loving family? How will Naruto grow under the influence of the fastest women and his cunning father? Will Naruto get involved with Soul Society or not? What will happen when Naruto's past catch up to him?

What will happen when Naruto is reincarnated as the son of Yoruichi Shihōin? How will Naruto fare this time with a new loving family? How will Naruto grow under the influence of the fastest women and his cunning father? Will Naruto get involved wi...

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Love Interest:

1) Soifon

Author Note:

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Author Note:

1) Should I give Naruto a Zanpakutō or not?

2) If it's a [YES]. What should be Naruto's Zanpakutō? That means also give me idea for Shikai and Bankai, if you can? Also what should be his Zanpakutō ability? Any idea will be very helpful. Additionally, it would be helpful if you can help create a Zanpakutō that can be used along with Hakuda. 

3) For Shunkō, I've been thinking that the element should be [Light] given that Yoruichi has a Shunkō that is Lighting. 

4) Should I give Naruto something like [Dragon Drive] and [Dragon Force] which is from Fairy Tail if you don't know?

5) Should I have Naruto use a regular bow and arrow like Lancelot (Four Knights of the Apocalypse)?

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