Izuku Grayson: Invincible!

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Author Note: In this story, Izuku is the grandson of Invincible. Almost centuries had passed since the original Invincible series and quirks had started to manifest in society. Invincible AKA Mark Grayson had made it an obligation that the heir to the empire had to spend years on Earth and become a hero there in order to prepare them for the future when they inherit the throne of the Viltrum Empire. 

In a world where 80% of the population of the world had started to manifest super-power ability called [Quirks], Izuku had found himself part of the 20% quirkless minority that weren't lucky to awaken a unique power. In a society that is heading quickly to dependance on quirks, Izuku's situation had been unpleasant as he found himself being alienated from the other kids who had powers to show while he had nothing to show. 

His mother lack of support towards his dream, his father who hadn't been around in his life and his childhood friend who became his tormentor. Izuku truly had felt alone but as years went by as he was forced to endure constant harassment from those around him, so was his rage that he kept bottled up for years as he was powerless to do anything against those who had been gifted with power but it wasn't all that bad especially that beautiful girl that had been in his corner for a short period of time who had supported him when no one else did. 

Being told he can never become a hero by his idol shattered him. Could he blame the symbol of peace and number 1 pro hero, All Might for his realistic words that is filled with concern? No...he could never blame him but it hurt to know that he had no purpose in this world. Seeing Bakugo on the verge of death due to a mistake of his own had made Izuku angry towards the fact that he always caused trouble for others, this had triggered his Viltrum blood resulting in him defeating the sludge villain while putting out the fire. Maybe he's not completely hopeless and he still has a purpose. 

What will happen when Izuku awaken his Viltrum blood? Will Izuku mystery father return to help his son know more about his people? Or will Izuku have to train on his own? Will All Might still offer Izuku OFA? Or will All Might see to train Izuku instead to master his power and serve as the guiding light for Izuku who was on the verge of losing hope for those around him?

What will happen when Izuku awaken his Viltrum blood? Will Izuku mystery father return to help his son know more about his people? Or will Izuku have to train on his own? Will All Might still offer Izuku OFA? Or will All Might see to train Izuku i...

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Love Interest:

Nejire Hado

Nejire Hado is a childhood friend of Izuku having both known each other in their early years as unlike the rest who had either shunned Izuku or made fun of his dream of becoming a hero, she was the only one who had supported his dream of becoming a hero and was the pillar that Izuku held onto to push forward to achieve his dreams of becoming a hero. 

Even when she moved out due to her family's work, She had maintained relationship with Izuku from a distance. Nejire has a crush on Izuku albeit she mostly kept it to herself as she didn't want to be selfish and make everything about herself when Izuku was just trying to overcome this big obstacle that is his quirkless status. 

After Izuku's father returned due to his Viltrum blood awakening, Nejire had been similarly given training that allowed her to undergo a [Quirk Awakening]. Like Izuku's grandmother Atom Eve, Nejire had managed to gain immortality due to her own quirk allowing her to live just as long as Izuku as long as she wants it. 


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