Izuku Leviathan: True Leviathan!

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Author Note: This will be like all my other story ideas but I thought this might be a better one compared to the Naruto version which I had made a long time ago. Nonetheless, this will go like how all my other Izuku Midoriya story does in which Izuku ends up suiciding on the same roof where All Might had left him and reincarnating. 

In this book, he is the descendant of the Leviathan and for some reason he was born naturally a super devil. He was the Old Satan Faction Ace due to being a super devil like how Grayfia was also an ace during the Civil war. Just like Grayfia and Sirzechs had fell in love with each other on the battlefield both Izuku and Serafall similarly fell in love. 

Izuku Midoriya had once aspired to become a great hero capable of saving everyone with a smile on his face like how his idol the symbol of peace and number 1 pro her All Might had done for the past decades but being born in a world where 80% of the mass population develop ability that are unique to them called <Quirk>, Izuku found himself unluckily part of the 20% of the people who were born with no unique power which they've come to be labelled as <Quirkless> and as such his dreams are far from his reach. 

Years of being discriminated against for his lack of quirk made him meek and shy as his self worth was at an all time low due to his former childhood friend bullying and harassment that had continued all the way up to middle school. Most of all, Izuku no matter how much he tried to reject it or deny it but he had always envied the other kids who were born with quirk and most of all he envied Bakugo who was born with a powerful quirk but yet he uses it to bully him, a quirkless nobody. 

It was during his last year in middle school that everything had changed for the worse. Being told to take a swan dive of the roof of the building and hope for a quirk in the next life due to his career choice and later on that day he gets rejected by his favorite hero on the roof of a building right after coming out from a traumatic experience when the Sludge Villain had attacked him had been more then enough to destroy him mentally and physically. Deciding that there wasn't any reason for him to live in a world that reject him and his dreams, he took his own life on the very same room. 

What will happen when Izuku gets reincarnated as the descendent of the Original Leviathan? What will happen when Izuku find himself in a civil war being forced to side with his family who want to rule the world? What will happen when Izuku fall in love with a certain Sitri girl named Serafall? Will he get his happy ending with her like Sirzechs and Grayfia? or will someone get in the way?

What will happen when Izuku gets reincarnated as the descendent of the Original Leviathan? What will happen when Izuku find himself in a civil war being forced to side with his family who want to rule the world? What will happen when Izuku fall in...

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Love Interest:

Serafall Leviathan

Izuku and Serafall go way back having similarly met each other the same way as both Sirzechs and Grayfia. The two of them fell in love with each other without realizing it as both understood that they didn't want to partake in this war and wanted it to end. To others, it almost looked like the two were enemies due to constantly meeting each other on the battlefield giving impression that they were some sort of rivals or nemesis but in reality they were meeting each other due to their secret relationship.

Sadly, unlike how it ended for both Sirzechs and Grayfia, Izuku and Serafall weren't lucky as a few fanatics of the Leviathan had learned about the secret relationship between the two of them and wanted to kill Serafall for the very reason that Izuku was their ace given how he is a super devil like Rizviem, Ajuka and Sirzechs having surpassed even Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan who was the strongest Leviathan after the original Leviathan.

The ambush on Serafall had almost resulted in her death hadn't Izuku saved her in time but not wanting another repeat of Grayfia, the Leviathan fanatics had chosen to seal him away in order to prevent the Anti-Satan faction from gaining a very powerful ally. Despite the civil war ending with the Anti-Satan faction victory, the damage was already done.

Serafall being stricken with grief of losing the man she loved dearly had made Serafall regress back mentally having become the magical girl that everyone knew her. It would be another century when Izuku's seal would be broken and the two would be reunited.

Serafall is madly in love with Izuku having refused to move on from him and held hope that one day they will be reunited and have their happy ending like with how it ended for both Sirzechs and Grayfia. 


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