Izuku Grinberryall: Stellar Wind Mage!

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Author Note: This event will take place in the DxD universe since many people just recently told me that there were many Naruto DxD rather then Izuku DxD so I decided to make another story idea. In this book, Izuku had pretty much got Isekai to the world of DxD after he got ambushed by the league of villains during the Overhaul incident where they used warp gate to teleport him to their base so that they could remove him or hold him as a hostage in order to get back at the heroes for AFO imprisonment. 

The Warp gate malfunctioned because Izuku got Isekai to the world of DxD instead and ended up losing OFA because of Eri accidently rewinding his quirk instead of his injuries from using 100%. Izuku being stranded in another world completely powerless but not for long because he met his own ancestor Yuno Grinberryall who proceeded to give him his power over Wind Magic and Star Magic. 

Izuku Midoriya was a bright child with dreams of becoming the Number 1 Pro Hero like his idol the symbol of peace All Might. Sadly, not everyone is born equal because he was among the 20% of quirkless minority who didn't luck out with having any quirk. Decade of having those around him show their true colors to him such as his former childhood friend Katsuki Bakugo who had  became one of his main bullies growing up and his idol All Might had rejected his dream on the roof of a building. Nonetheless, he had dreams and those who are patient are often rewarded for it. 

Having his idol reevaluate his thoughts on him and taking him as his successor to his mighty passable quirk, OFA. Izuku was dedicated to prove his worth to his mentor All Might and those around him that he will be the next symbol of peace and number 1 pro hero. His determination was frightening enough that he was willing to break his bones just to prove his point. Joining the best hero school in the country, Izuku made many friends among his classmates who treated him as a friend and a comrade. 

He fought and saved many people in his pursuit to becoming a hero like All Might but just as he saved many people, he made many enemies who would like nothing more then his death. His meddling was enough to warrant for the remnant of the League of Villains to ambush him after the defeat of Overhaul and use the wrap gate in order to transport him back to their base but due to a malfunction, Izuku got Isekai instead to the world of DxD. 

What will happen when Izuku learn that he was in another world filled with supernatural being? What will Izuku do when he realizes that he lost OFA in the process and is powerless? What will Izuku do when he meet his ancestor Yuno Grinberryall and inherit his magic power? What will Izuku do when his past decide to meddle in his new life?

What will happen when Izuku learn that he was in another world filled with supernatural being? What will Izuku do when he realizes that he lost OFA in the process and is powerless? What will Izuku do when he meet his ancestor Yuno Grinberryall and...

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Love Interest:

Noelle Silva

Noelle Silva is the only love interest of Izuku Grinberryall having met each other when Izuku had applied for a High-School in England where she studied in. She developed interest in Izuku from the very first day they have met each other but that is due to the two of them being soul mate. During their first year in High-school they have quickly gotten close to each other in which they opened up to each other realizing that they were more similar to each other then they gave each other credit for. 

At one point, they've gotten together but due to the church in England catching onto the two of them being natural Holy Sword wielder they attempted to recruit them but when that failed they labelled them as enemy of god and even attempted to force them several times to reconsider or become enemy and get killed. This led for both Izuku and Noelle to leave the country and head to Japan which they were  followed by friends they made there who are like them. 

They had picked Kuoh due to how peaceful the place is and joined Kuoh academy instead to finish their last year there. Noelle is extremely loyal to Izuku due to their bond as soul mates and is the ones he trusts the most out of anyone of their group. Noelle seem to very much dislike when other men looks at her with lust or even try to touch her and depending on the situation she can get very angry. 

Many people had stated that Noelle view everyone with the exception of Izuku as plain looking even Kiba Yuuto who is the crowned prince of Kuoh academy was seen to her as a plain boring looking guy. Noelle has a major dislike for most women in Kuoh academy due to how much of a hypocrites they are and she never gets along with them despite their attempt to befriend her for her look that surpasses both Rias and Akeno. 

Noelle can be said to often lack shame when it comes to Izuku, she wouldn't hesitate to outright make out with him in public or anywhere even at the classroom. Her obsession over Izuku was often stated to border Yandere given that she was contemplating murdering Akeno behind the school building for trying to flirt with Izuku. 

Due to not wanting to kill unnecessarily, Noelle can become very petty in those situation as she had spread rumors around about Akeno being a slut who'd let you fuck her if you gave her the right amount of money. The rumors had circulated so fast and became so bad that Rias herself had to interfere and erase a lot of people's memories.

 The rumors had circulated so fast and became so bad that Rias herself had to interfere and erase a lot of people's memories

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