Naruto Sparda: Dark Slayer!

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Author Note: Naruto will have a mix of personality between Vergil and Dante. I don't want to make Naruto into an Emo since this is Sasuke thing.

Naruto Uzumaki, the Pariah of the Leaf village and the container of the most powerful Biju had learned the undeniable truth that he had tried to deny for years. "Might control everything - and without strength, you cannot protect anything; let alone yourself." Naruto having suffered a defeat after he was unable to bring back the person he once thought to be his brother in all but blood, a person who understood the pain of loneliness but also the same person who tried to put him down for obstructing him from achieving his dreams of avenging his clan.

Naruto could no longer blame Sasuke for choosing his own path, at the end of the day he never really understood the man and his desire to gain power. Naruto found himself training with the Toad Sannin Jiraiya but quickly realized that the training that he received was not enough to protect himself from the dangers of the Akatsuki much less protect those he saw his precious people and as such he decided to leave and find his own source of power that will allow him to protect himself and those he cares about.

With his heart aching for more power then what he was given, he had awakened his Sparda bloodline in which he had met his ancestor Vergil Sparda and Dante Sparda who were more then willing to grant him the power needed while instilling their own philosophy onto him so that he can't deviate from the righteous path. Now with the power to cut everything that obstruct his path, Naruto is determined to not let anyone stop him from becoming strong while defeating the enemies that threaten humanity and the peace.

How will everyone react to Naruto change of attitude and perspective? How will everyone react to Naruto new power? Will Naruto return back to Konoha? or will he become a rogue shinobi who doesn't affiliate with anyone?

How will everyone react to Naruto change of attitude and perspective? How will everyone react to Naruto new power? Will Naruto return back to Konoha? or will he become a rogue shinobi who doesn't affiliate with anyone?

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Love Interest:

Mira Yoo

Mira Yoo will be the love interest of this book since I feel like both their motivation are the same if you think about it. Naruto wants to gain power to protect his loved ones similar to how Mira had done in the manhwa even willing to throw away her humanity for more power to not lose any more people that she cares about.

The two of them had took interest in each other through the bingo book with Mira tracking him down in hopes of challenging him to a duel as a way to hone her own skills against him who is a swordsman. The two were evenly matched due to both sides not letting up which resulted in the fight to be called off as a draw after the damage that their duel had caused to their surrounding area.

After a week of getting to know each other through drinking, Mira desired to have a companion in Naruto in which she decided to follow him in his journey seeing as both of them were looking at aiming for more power to protect themselves and the few they consider as loved ones while also hoping to forget about their past weaknesses and embarrassing past.

Over the course of months together, Mira had come to understand the feelings that she had developed towards Naruto as that of love in not only finding a strong man both in terms of strength and mind given how much Naruto had endured the blatant discrimination directed at him by the villagers of Konoha but also because she found a person who truly understood her feelings and didn't discriminate against her for her gender and instead respected her as a warrior.

It didn't take long for them to end up in a relationship by the end of the first year of training. Mira greatly loves Naruto that she wouldn't dream of abandoning him as she stated that even if the battle is unwinnable, she'd either leave with Naruto to see another day or if she couldn't get Naruto with her then she'd rather fall in battle with him.

Mira dislike anyone who insults or try to harm Naruto such as Sakura whom Mira never got along well with as Sakura had a habit of punching Naruto due to her bad temper something Mira never appreciated and made sure to teach her a lesson to not mess with her man.

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