Part 5

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Imlie woke up with enthusiasm as today she was going to start shopping and calling in painters.
She wasnt scared to explore the city, but she saw life here is fast, everybody running for their work, their errands, kids for school . But Mumbai has something so attractive about it, the people although busy they did help her navigate. They were gentle some werent. One store was little far, so she decided to take train and what horrible decision that was!! It was nightmare , it fell she was automatically pushed in and pushed out, she got bruised in the process. Once she reached the place called Bandra, she asked around for the address for a interior design store. Finally she arrived at the place,and browsed through beautiful furniture pieces that she definitely wanted. Beauitful paintings and wall accents also she ordered, they all were going to deliver to her. It was expensive but she had enough for the house. On the way back she preffered taxi but the traffic was horrible even in middle of day.  She rather had travel by train, even though it was a messy ride. Once she reached, she had bags there were filled with beauitful small artifacts for the house. She opened the house , saw the sofa and jumped on it , putting her head back for relaxation. She slept that way, and boy her neck hurted when she woke up. She checked her phone and to her suprise her patidev messaged her! She quickly opened it,

"Hey Imlie, i hope you are ok. Let me know any problem ok? Dont hesitate and please e careful when you go outside, its pretty new for you and it is a busy city. Call me if you need anything. I am in Dubai right now and tomorrow travelling to Swedan"

Imlie was smiling,formal concern real concern whatever it was, all the day tiredness vanished in that moment. She felt so good to read his message. She called him, she was nervous though not sure if he will pick up or not.
"Hello" he said , seems he is eating something
"Hey Aryan" Imlie said softly, how she misses him, its been a day already she miss him. My god what a clingy wife she is already.
"How was your day" his voice on the phone was deep.
"Tiring. I did lot of shopping for the house and i traveled by train what chaotic experience but i realised its the fastest way to get around here"
"Wait what! You went into those local trains??" He was dumbfounded by his wife adventure.
"Yes , it was definitely an experience alright"
"Listen next time dont go through trains, it can be dangerous since you are new and not used to it" he sounded concern
"But Aryan its the fastest way better than sitting in car for hours in traffic" she responded
"No means no Imlie. You are my responsibility "
"Ok fine. Anyways what are you eating?" She changed the topic as she knew she will donwhat she want to do.
"Kabobs " he said
"Ok eat aaram se i just called like that" she said
"No say, i know you feel alone, you are new - its overwhelming" he said
"Yea it is but i love the city however chaotic it is there is something so endearing about it"
"Hmm" he replied
"Chalo you eat, oh yea when are you coming back?" She asked
"Next week"he said
"Ok bye I miss you" she blurted and she bit her tongue for it.
"Oh yea?" Interesting . Bye and please no travelling by the train" Imlie rolled her eyes, yea right.

She got up and got herself busy with calling contractors for painting the house. They will start from tomorrow.
5 days later——

The house had complete makeover- the living room looked lively,contemporary and their bedroom she kept simple but beautiful bottle green color on walls with golden geometric desgins. Buddha painting in gold was the focus point in living room , it has the calming effect.

She was happy about the change, just nervous how Aryan will react.

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