Part 22

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One hour before, the aviation bureau find out about missing aircraft.

Imlie was hugging the two kids who were hiding their face on her chest. They were crying while she consoled them. They were going to be doing emergency landing, everybody was panicking and wearing their masks on. Imlie was trying to be strong, especially for kids, they had their masks on already, a bag fell almost hitting the person behind her. People were crying, Imlie closed her eyes and prayed. Flashes of her family came , then her MIL FIL And Bils. Finallt Aryan face came smiling, his eyes, that scar - the person she loved the most in world. The person who cant bear her , maybe this their fate. Tears rolled , but she quickly wiped it, "Emlie, are we going to die?" Aaron said crying.
They were from Germany and their father lived in Caribbean island. Aaron and Emma , they tried to pronounce her name the best they did was Emlie and she smiled when they first said that.
"Ssh we wont die, ok just breath baby. I am here" she patted his head. Emma was quietly crying and not saying anything.
"This is Kishan speaking, Due to bad weather and almost no visibility i will be doing
emergency landing on small island which is unhabitated. I have send signals. Due to the wind speed we might land on waters please be ready for impact" Imlie could hear fear in his voice it was subtle.

She closed her eyes and hugged the kids, she softly whispered , "I love you Aryan. Moms and dads, chacha chachi, bhaiya , bhabhi i love all of you. Hope your blessings save us today"

They started to descend and it wasnt smooth one, another bag fell she covered the kids this time it her back with Impact. Several others were hurt by bags dropping off. They landed, first there was silence, then someone screamed. A man was bleeding, he was unconcious. A lady helped stopped the bleeding and tried to wake up the guy. Air hostesses were as terrified as passengers, Kishan and Karan both came out, looking tired and sweaty.
"We have landed on island, there is damage to the wings and we hope the signal has reached the towers. Please help each other , there is enough food and water for everyone until we get help" The wind was still blowing outside , everybody was little relieved that they didnt land in cold waters. Imlie got up, and promised the kids she will be back. She pour water and gave them to drink. Other air hostess were still doing their jobs, helping anybody who was injured. Her back was hurting, but right now is the not time to worry about her back. Passengers first.

Aryan was calling everyone and everybody . He called his mom and started crying, "I  am horrible mom. I am horrible. Imlie mom her aircraft has gone missing" there was silence on other hand. His mother, with shivering tone, "Beta Imlie?" She was speechless.

"Mom its my fault ... i fought with her, told her i want divorce" then he told his mother everything. "Aryan you made me ashamed today. I want to say lot of things but right now am going to go pray" she gave the phone to his dad.

"Papa, Imlie papa" he cried. "I want her back papa. I hurt her so much, i didnt get chance to say sorry Dad"
"If something happens to her , i dont know what i will do dad. I am so horrible" His dad tried to calm him down and told him to go to airport and get any information he can for investigation. Agter hanging up, he hit his hands on wall, and threw everything there was in hotel.
He fell on his knees , "I am sorry Imlie. Please come back. I couldnt understand my own feelings. Please be okay. Please. I will turn the pleasure room into temple but please come to me" he sat there for while and then finally got up with determination to find out anything about it. He dressed up and got ready for the airport.

Meanwhile, on the island, it was dark but the wind had finally stopped. Everybody was shivering because of cold ocean. They were somehwere in Atlantic, and it was freezing. Imlie was back with kids after helping other passengers with any wounds. They served food and water. She went to Karan and kishan who were in cockpit trying to get the signal.
"Guys please drink water and here is food"
Karan had tears almost, "Thank you Bhabhi"
"Hey guys, you guys are hero, we were able to land safely atleast and not on waters" she took both their hands and kissed it as token of their heroic feat. "Thank you"
"Bhabhi am scared" Kishan said
"Come on guys, You guys are awesome this is just moment of weakness. You saved many lives we did everything we could. We will be fine i know in heart ok" they nodded.
"And eat!" She scolded them and added , "Once we back in Mumbai i will feed you chappan bhog" she joked making them smile .
She went back to kids, who already ate and now sleeping on her chest.

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