Part 7

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Chap 7

"Wake up sleepy head" somebody touched her shoulder and she opened her eyes slowly. Aryan was standing there with his hands on hip, "Boy you must be tired really bad you were snoring crackers" he laughed. She saw him laughing so openly for first time. What a touching scene to see as soon she opened her eyes. "Yea" she said gorggily. She was tired and she was having a good sleep. "I went for run and i had time on hand so already made breakfast. Come on brush your teeth and freshen up"
"Hmm" she stood up feeling lazy and stretched her body.

She came out and saw he had already laid out the breakfast. He was in balcony already eating and reading paper.  She sat next to quietly enjoying the sun. "Can you take me out today? Show Mumbai around?" She asked with caution not sure how will he react. He nodded with toast in his mouth.  Imlie smiled and continued enjoying the sun and view.

As he commited, he took her out . He had car, Imlie knew she wished she knew how to drive but whats the point the traffic is horrible she will be taking trains to the program which reminds her to call them. She excused herself when they had reached place Marine drives and made a call to UFLY academy. The lady told her about the fees, which was little out of her budget but she will take care of that later, and the new batch starts in two days. The lady told her only few places left as take limited candidates, she told them to register her without hesitation. After ending call, she went back to Aryan who was taking photos, so Imlie bomb one of his selfie with tongue sticking out in background.
"Imlie!!" Imlie pouted "You didnt even take one picture with me. Fine i will take my own" she opened her camera and took some selfies. Aryan shook his head, she was looking stunning today too, he was trying to not look at her much. Damn he forgot to tell her , "Imlie I am so sorry but i forgot we are having party tomorrow. My colleagues and friends want to meet you as they found i am married" Imlie was shocked
"Such short notice, but its ok tell me we need to decorate? Food? Music?" Imlie was running in her mind like headless chicken, this man she want to kick in his shin.
"Um i usually have normal house party, just soft music, drinks and i jsut order food" he shrugged
"But they meeting me first time, I would love cooking" she said
"Uh-uh, we have some 30 people coming. You will get dead tired and all i can really cook is toast ,eggs and thats it , so i cannot even help you" he said
"No i will take care and that means we have to cut this trip short . Take me to supermarket please"
"No we will just order. Dont have to act like typical wife you know how is our relationship " he added . That stingrd Her, yes they are on amicable terms but still she is excited to meet his friends and colleagues and also cook for them.
"Fine Aryan I will go myself and get it" without looking at him she walked a little far from him and halted rickshaw, "Bhaiya station chaloge?" She said loud enough, which freaked Aryan out who came with long stride towards her. "Bhaiya nai chaye" he said to driver and grabbed Imlie by her shoulder. "No train business" he sighed giving up , "We will go" he said.
"You know Imlie i dont give in and i dont like anybody controlling me" he said while on their way to market.
"What you mean?" She asked frowning at him
"Jaise tum mere pe haq jamati ho, I dont like it because i didnt give anybody that right. Secondly, I like to be the upper hand, that means i dominate and not get dominated " he was saying with grim tone. Imlie felt the sting in her heart , she kept quiet and looked outside the window.  Aryan noticed the silence, no comments from her or reaction.

"Imlie say something" he demanded
"I dont want to say anything Aryan. I am your wife and yes its my right to tell you things and i will keep doing it" she said rather vexed. Aryan raised eyebrows, why does she do that? And why does he like it? Stop Aryan, you need take your mind off her, you been avoiding her but he couldn't do that.
"Interesting things i am getting to know about you?"
"Like ?" She asked
"You have an attitude for sure"
"Yea i do! Leave me alone . I dont wana talk you . You said enough ok?" She said harshly. They reached the market, she got out banging the door loudly. He followed her but didnt say anything. Our first offcial fight, he dont want be husbans wife infront of others but he fights like one! And who is calling ms attitude? Gadha she said in her mind. She already had menu in mind : appetizers : basket chat and pinwheel samdwich
Entrees: achari paneer and lemon chicken
Dessert : mango mousse.

She wasnt going to tell him her menu, otherwise he is going to find problem in that. She was nice enough that she was going do desi and western. She grabbed everything she needed, and put it in cart. He gave the card to cashier, she still wasnt looking at him. She disposed the bags in car ofcourse he helped but she ignored. She has lots to do anyways.

"Order your food, i am going to be preparing for tomorrow" she said
"What you want to eat?" He asked
"I dont want to eat. You gave me enough and it filled me up" she tauned intentionally
"Imlie!" He said angrily
"Kya hai?" She asked rudely
"No point talking to you. But get this we are still at sqaure dont expect anything from me" he threw his phone and went inside pissed.
"Bhad mein jao" Imlie said softly as she was irritated but she cant get in her heas right now!
Time to prep for the party.

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