Part 10

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She was feeling confident as arrived at the training  center. She was bruised again because of travelling in train, the rush hour was crazy.

It was huge, the center with beautiful contemporary lightings plugged around . She saw girls her age some younger all were gathered in group, chattering. She went and joined, the batch was nice she thought all friendly. She made fast friend with Naina. She was so enthusiastic, her dimple smile was the takeaway . A lady , around 40 or older came , her walk was like a model she must be beauitful looking at young age. She hard sharp eyes and cheekbones. Her make up on point.

"Hi ladies, I am Mrs. Khopdi" some of the girls snickered , but Mrs Khopdi didnt react. She must be used to this it seems because next line she said, "Yes laugh all you want, I am used to it. But going forward in that training area, it will be your khopdi on line" she said . She had straight face humor, Imlie giggled but not to loudly like other girls. She doesnt want to be mean or bullylike.
"Follow me" after the girls quiet down, she took them to this big high room where there was stimulators and small benches were kept . T

"Today is more orientation , there is manuals on the benches. Read them at home, here we will
Doing more of practicals. Also on benches are the uniforms, pants, jackets and scard and plaint white shirt. Please take them and tomorrow you must be entering wearing those or else you will not be allowed" she continued with rules and regulations, expectations, exams they will have exams every week theory and practicals . By end of the training day, Imlie was overwhelmed, her head was hurting with too much information. She said bye to Naina, she lived other side of town. She waited at station, crowd already gathering, as soon her train came she was half hanging on the edge. She was scared , but she has seen other ladies before doing it. As the station came and train started to slow down, somebody in crowd pushed her hand slipped from the support and fell on the station. 

Some ladies on the station helped her get up, her dress was pulled up. She was embarassed almost about to cry. One of the ladies was cussing in Marathi to the comparment as it went by. "Pori tu thik aahe?" Imlie understood little she nodded. "Bohut laga hai, bahar samne clinic hai jao udhar" Imlie nodded as they handed her purse and bag she had carried. Her elbow, her forehead and legs everything was bruised. She wobbled a little, but she kept going. She cannot let anything waver her strength and will. Not even this stupid trains. She doesnt want to travel by car, yes her husband and her family is rich but she is not. She wants to earn and able to buy her own car. Her savings all gone in training whatever was left. Train is the only feasible for her. She just have to look towards her goal, these small obstacles will come along the way. She directly went home from rickshaw, she will tend her own wounds. The wounds were going to stay there for week atleast the way it was bruised. Atleast Aryan wont be here and she will be healed by then.

One week later—

Her days were going excellent after the first day. They were taught lot of things already in one week. The important stuff to remember as Air Hostess are these : team player, sense of responsibility, postive aittitude, patience, communication, presence of mind and most important , passengers safety. She was learning so many new skillset, the first week progressed, safety drills as she has seen before when she had travelled by air. All of them had to watch Mrs Khopdi and do same demonstration. It had to be perfect she had and the exam following week will be on safety and demonstrations.

Imlie was studying on weekend, the small manual handbook that had lot of safety rules, she was feeling hot even with AC on so she got up and changed to shorts and top. Her bruise was now black and it looked horrible. Girls had told her they have to look perfect, so she was told to be careful when traveling by train as Air Hostess cant afford anything on their face.

She had big bandage on her forehead, her legs too. Her phone was ringing, it was Aryan video calling her, she picked up forgetting about her bruises. "Hi Imlie" then he frowned at her.
Imlie scowled back, he was without tshirt and she heard Sagarika in the background soon she too joined Aryan on video, "Hi Imlie . Omg what happen?" She said thats when she realised that her accident. She bit her tongue on her foolishness.

"Imlie what happen? I told you Saggy, i was feeling restless past two days" he looked at her angrily. She was angry too, without shirt with another woman she doesnt care why she was there. One thing she does know Aryan was a loyal something her MIL had said knowing that his son job will always beautiful gorgeous woman working with him. And Imlie never doubted him but she was possessive, she has never seen him without a shirt yet how can another woman. Ugh.
"Imlie hello, answer me damn it"
"I fell of the train"
"KYU NAI SUNTI HO TUM MERA!! KUCH HOJATA TOH??" He screamed literally scaring Imlie and Sagarika away. Saggy touched his shoulder , "Aru, calm down, look at her you scared her with that tone and me too. Why will she tell you if you shout like that? Honey, are you alright" taking the phone away from Aryan.

"Yes" she said holding her tears. He scolded her, and shouted at her as if she was child.
"Look sorry to come between, i was actually sleeping when he called me saying he is not feeling good past two days. I checked temprature and all . He suddenly felt something wrong back home, so he called you first. I will hand the phone back to him but just wanted let you know where his anger is coming from" she said softly . She walked back and gave phone to Aryan, "Talk calmly Aryan, i am going back to my room" Imlie now started crying.

"Sorry for shouting Imlie. But understand you are responsibility what will our families will think? Huh?" He said worriedly.
"Just your responsibility otherwise you dont care right " as she cried "I will travel by train because thats the only thing i can afford"
"Dont be ridiculous, give me your account number i will send you money"
"I dont want your money. Mujhe daata kyu?" She cried
"You crying like a child Imlie. Soi tumhari udhari atki hai" he sighed
"I dont want to talk you" she said wiping her tears
"Imlie.." she cut the phone on his face.
He called again, she picked and said again
"You wont travel by train, and why you traveling bu train? Where you been going?" He asked
"Tumse matlab?"
"Tum? Aap se tum?" He raised his eyebrows
"I dont wana talk to you tumne daata mujhe jhor se. You said na live your life freely so i am. Now bye" She cut the phone and again he called but this time she didnt pick up and let the phone rang. She went back to her studies , and she was crying still. She is kid at heart sometimes, she was spoiled nobody had shouted at her before. Any third person if had scene infront of her, they would laugh, because she was studying and removing frustration on the book and crying altogether.
Ab dekho Mr Rathore woh room mein kal hi kholungi! Imlie said loudly to the empty home.

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