Part 12

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Chap 12

Imlie was alarmed, panicky to be precise the whole week, even the girls also noticed her usual charm was missing. Naina asked her if she is alright , Imlie then asked her, "How can one do sting operation?"
"Huh? Sting operation? What you mean Imlie? You are here for training for air hostess you are not reporter" she said looking at Imlie oddly. Definitely Naina thinks I am a nut, she thought.

She will ask Kiara and Shasha then. She left little early so she can meet Shasha and Kiara but when she rang the door nobody opened so she called them. "Hi babes!"
"I am outside your house can you open?" She asked tensed
"Oh babes we are out for our modeling event in Goa. All ok ? You sound worries?" Sasha asked
"No its alright aise hi" she cut the call and went upstairs.

On other hand, Aryan was planning a party for Imlie. He feels bad for shouting at her and plus she is leaving alone most of time he decided to throw her a suprise. He found out about the birthday from Kishan!! He was feeling envious as he knows more about his wife than he does well atleast his bday , and he met her other day at a cafe. Kishan found out from her facebook page, Aryan doesnt have facebook , he doesnt do social media. He already called Kiara and Sasha and asked them about any other friend she made, they said someone name Naina. He noted down the number, then he called her and his family. They told them, they have to come for her. They all agreed. The bday was on May 7th he was returning May 6th evening , he will stay at hotel meanwhile Sasha or them can take her out so he gets chance to arrange things.

One week later-

It was Imlie's birthday, she didnt remember until she saw her phone in morning. Her parents and friends had called her to wish. She called her both families together. They wished and blessed her, they also said they miss her terribly.  She went to temple to pray to god. Then she got call from Sasha, "Hey babes, get ready we are going out today!!" She said excitedly
"Um am not in mood, i even didnt go training today" she said with glum voice.
"Listen nothing doing we are going please!!!" After lots of insistance she said yes. Its her birthday after all, she was sad because Aryan didnt wish her but at the same time , she was worried about him being a killer . She is such a despo she wants to get wished by a killer. Love sucks she thought. She quickly changed the clothes and met Sasha and Kiara downstairs. They went to Ajanta Elora caves, the took her india gate and sea link. She got to see more of Mumbai today finally. They ate lunch at this old famous Irani restaurant and continued exploring and shopping along the way. It was almost 6 in evening, "lets go home" Imlie said to Sasha who was busy texting.
"Ha lets go" she said. All three headed home, Imlie unaware of the party waiting for her.
She told Kiara and Sasha to join her at home, she told them its her birthday and she doesnt want to be alone. They agreed, and followed her as she unlocked her door. She turned on the lights , thats when confettis and flowers fell on her, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!" She saw her mother, father , MIL, FIL, her brothers , bhabhi devars and even Naina!! She ran and hugged her mothers together who cried and kissed her. She touched the elders feet for blessings. She met everyone ,"Aap log yaha!!" She exclaimned happily.
"Aryan did all this beta. He insisted that we should come" Her mother said. Then she saw Aryan standing behind the group smiling . She was suprised, he did all this? Irada kya hai?? She has doubts about everything now.. she will watch his every move. But for now she has to play along , she appraoched him, "Happy birthday Imlie. Hope you liked the suprise" he said genuinely and then he hugged. She hugged back taking his scent , he smells so good always. Maybe thats how he lures his victimes she quickly separated at that thought.
She then went to Sasha and Kiara knowing they were involved all along, "You girls!!" She gave them a hug as well and thanked them .

"Its time to cut the cake Imlie!!" Aryan came
To her with knife she flinched, but she took and cut the came while everybody sang. She fed the cake to Aryan and her both the families. It was good home family party. She was ecstatic , they were going back tomorrow morning she found out. So whole nignt she sat with her mother and mil and talkes about Mumbai, her life and her new friends. Aryan and men were in balcony drinking and talking. Friends had left already as it was getting late. They all slept around 3 am. Imlie and Aryan in their rokm, and ladies in one room while men in remaining one. Aryan told them the last room, is locked and dirty hence nobody could sleep there. She went into kitchen to drink water, it was dead silent everyone sleeping, when somebody tapped her shoulder, "Khoon!!" she shouted but her mouth was covered by hand.
"Idiot its me! " Aryan said
"Um what you doing following me" she asked suspiciously.
"Shut up i wasnt following you. I came to get water" she nodded but as soon he went to grab glass she slid out with support of wall and ran to the bedroom. She took small pocket knife out of her purse for safety and kept under pillow. He came in, scratching his forehead . He sat on bed , "dont you want to sleep?" She asked
"No jet lagged" he simply said. "I hope you loved the party"
"Yes it was lovely thank you so much.i loved it" she said genuinely  but wary.  He was surfing on his phone, while she observed him she slid in her blanket and laid down facing him. Hmm how can a killer look so tempting, his scar ..oh my god maybe he got it on his killing spree!! She was happy he did so much for her birthday but why?
"Why?" She said loudly
"Why i mean how come suprise party for me? "
"Dont get too happy last time i am giving" he smirked. What does he mean last time? Unless...his next victim is me!??
"Aryan?" She said robotically
"You like violence?" He looked at her as if she had grown another head
"Imlie raatke 330 baje aise kon puchta hai?"
"Bolo?" She asked
"I had drinks not you. Shut up and sleep"
"Do you like blood?" She changed her question
"Train se zor se giri ho pakka" he shook his head at her nonsense question.
"You know am not scared of you right?" She said trying to be confident. Never show your fear to your attacker!
She turned around and went to sleep. Soon you will be exposed Mr.

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