Part 16

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First she sat on swing, again but this time she checked it out. How does one have sex here?? She sat on it, whats so special? Its just bed but swinging bed. Then she noticed straps for hands and legs. She goggled and saw its named as se* swing and saw how its used . "Oh my god this is acrobatics!" She exclaimed. Aryan is crazy! She strapped herself in one leg and hand tried the position she fell of the swing in the process and laughed at herself.  Then she saw the bar, she googled that too. "Hmm so the person gets strapped on that bar, and the other persona can do things, she read her eyes wanted to pop out. She kept reading of different BDSM (its the term they used she found out) for this whole type. Now she understood why he likes to dominate, oh god i fell in love with crazy person hey sita maiyya. If he ever loves me , he would do this things with me?? I would faint, she laughed mentally at that thought. She sighed and then a tear rolled, that will never happen Imlie . He said he doesnt feel anything for her anyways. She will never be seeing this room or even get to experiment. She sighed, she cant wait to start working. Her training soon to end. She called her mother and chatter with her then went to sleep.
Next morning when she woke up, Aryan was there. When she got out of bedroom, she heard vessels noise, she peeked and it was him. He was in his captain clothes minus the jacket. He looked frustrated trying to look for something.
"Hey you need anything?" Imlie asked
"I need chai, my head hurts so trying to find small pot in which i can make?"
"You relax i will make it" she offered
"You sure?" She nodded and got the pot from the last cabinet. He smiled at her but she didnt return it back. His smile faded and he scowled but he left and sat on thr sofa. He was softly snoring , "Aryan, your chai" she kept on the table and left. She dressed up and before leaving she kept medicing on table with a note.

When she came in evening, Aryan was watching tv. He casually said , "Hey Imlie , lets go out na?" He asked smiling. "No thanks" she simply said and went to her room. She freshen up and went to her studies. He stood at the doorway, "Karan wapas aya tha?"
"Kyu?" She raised her eyesbrows questioningly.
"Just asking" he said. "I called Saggy home for drinks"
"Ok" she said indifferent about it . "If you want privacy i can go to Sasha place " she added.
"Huh? What? No! I meant you can join us too?" Looking hopeful.
"No thanks" she said.
He finally retreated back to living room while she closed the door. Her back to the door, she whispered , "I am sorry Aryan i have never been mean to anyone in my life but i have to be with you to keep myself away from getting hurt emotionally" she said to herself.

Three days Aryan tried to talk her but she always excused herself . He hold by hand once , "Why you acting so weird with me, you are totally avoiding me Imlie"
"I am busy Aryan " using her other she released her hand from him. She exited house and went downstairs. She has practicals about turbulences and how to handle those, as well emergency landings or crash situation next. She cannot do at home, Aryan still doesnt know about her career choice.

2 weeks later, Aryan had left last week, he was rather agitated and upset with Imlie ignoring him. It was starting to affect him but Imlie wasnt aware.

Today recruiters will be coming in for interviews and offer package for best candidates.

When she reached home that day from training, she screamed in joy!! She got the job!! They said they loved her confidence, her grace and her communication! And its one of the best airlines- Pacific Air-That wasnt the best thing, her first flight will be international one!! She was so excited she almost dialed Aryan number but she cleared it and called both the mothers at same time. They were happy , they blessed her and as usual cried in happiness. She will party tonightc she quickly told Kiara and Sasha as well Naina to be ready at 10 they will go club and party. Kiara came upstairs jumping in joy and hugged her "I am so proud mama!!" She said.
"I got you dress for clubbing because i know you very well" she said. It was shortest dress she would wear first time, she gasped but she was up for it. She had ace the makeup game too thanks to Kiara and Sasha. She wants gift them something for sure.

She was ready, she felt awkward - it was blackdress that was just little below the butt area. Her cleavage was clearly the eye catching part, "Oh god sab dikh raha hai" she almost removed then she thought why not ? First time for everything.

Like she said, they partied that night but middle of partying she got a call around 3 am from Aryan. She picked it up , "Hello?" He sounded panicky. "Ha Aryan?" She replied
She went out because of the music, "Where are you!! I came home and you are not here!!" He was yelling at her and scolding her again. She hates getting scolded
"Dato mat mujhe!!! Am out clubbing" she cut on him before he could say anything. Data rehta hai mujhe , she thought pouting.

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