Part 14

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When she opened her eyes , there was two eyes staring right back at her so the obviois reaction was she screamed, "AAAHH" Aryan shut her mouth by placing his palm on her mouth.
"Jungli stop it! You fainted Imlie" Imlie was breathing hard and then she recollected everything. She turned red and was speechless.
"Thik ho tum?" He asked frowning with amused eyes.
"How you came inside?"
"Imlie, i have keys and also i can break the door too" he said .
"Hmm" she replied looking down fidgeting and still thinking about pleasure room. How does one get pleasure with that? She needs to look up more in detail.
"What happen? " he asked frowning
"Woh pleasure kaise hota hai wo soch rahi thi" she realised she said her thought loud , she gagged her mouth and  got up from bed ran outside. "Imlie!!" He called out after her.
"We need to talk" he said. She had confessed her feelings and he wasnt comfortable with that. He had started to like her he cannot deny that but love is too big of a word between them. It was mess right now, he exhaled . He went out, she was sitting quietly restless for sure.

He cleared his throat, "I am sure you have lot of questions and assuming what they are let me answer them and if you still have questions , i will answer those too but you wont get up from here and if you do" he smirked "Room is ready" and she looked up nervously with wide eyes. She nodded quickly obeying.
"Good" he sat on the other end of sofa and there was silence for few minutes.

"First thing first, You are very innocent Imlie . That room, that is who i am. Yes those are my fantasies" Imlie feeling awkward but she listened nevertheless, blush creeping up again.
"Its important to talk now you seen it. Some people like those things Imlie. I prepared the room for future that doesnt mean you and me. This marriage is of convenience for me atleast, I thought in future we will get separated and maybe then with the person who i love.. you know. I am very loyal person since i am tied to you, hence i dont do any hanky panky with any women. Yes i do have crush on Saggy,  but that crush was before we got married. I still have soft corner for her but she doesnt know that and she wont know until we dissovle of this relationship. I dont know how or when but it will happen. You confessed you love me, it came as shock to me but i respect your feelings but i dont love you i like you as a friend nothing more than that"  Tears automatically rolled down her eyes, it stinged to listen to him saying that again and again. She wiped and kept silent. He continued , "Please dont cry atleast not for me. Yes i have done those things with someone before but that was during college time. Back home, curiosity and after that it made realise my sexual nature. We have to talk openly Imlie since you know everything. Our relationship has no name but we can be friends"
"I dont want to be friends Mr Rathore" she replied
"Stop calling me that" he said getting agitated.
"So you must be feeling caged with me correct?" She asked
"No" she simply responded.
"Then? You want to get separated ? "
"No , I have lot of flights schedules coming up, and dealing with work and this right now i cannot. Even family i would have to deal with. You are free to live your life, when i said that i meant you can date other people " She gasped at his statment.
"Mr Rathore , am not that kind of woman. I am modern, but like you am a loyal person. I never doubted you know. Usually people talk about how pilots and air hostesses have affairs since they spend so much time together than their spouse. So question of you, doing that" looking towards room "while being married was not even my mind. Yes i love you, and i never imagined it would come out like that . And no i dont want to be with anybody. You are my first and last even when we separate" she said sadly and softly.

"Am not your type you keep saying that, am not beauitful like them right? Or you think am not capable of pleasuring you the way you want?" She asked openly , she had to know. Yes she doesnt know all the new trends, she is from small town but you cannot underestimate her.

"Imlie you are one of the most beautiful woman i met in my life. And regarding pleasure , I never thought of it that way. I dont have any reasons, the feelings are not there Imlie i dont know why" he said casually. So easy for him, Imlie thought. She wants to clear her head, she wants to go out alone.

"I think we had our talk. Thanks for being open and honest. " she doesnt want to say anything more. She started to head out.
"Where you going?" He asked
"I want to be alone , there is leftover food i made in morning. Its desi, not your type i know but if you want to eat "she said taunting and left the house with her head pounding with thoughts. She is strong woman but right now she is caught up in a weak moment. She will get over the talk no? Yes she will, she will keep herself busy with her training and studies.. just going with the flow.

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