Part 8

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Horrible chapter but hope you guys like itsmiley37this is dedicated to poohnotfound
Chap 8

After prepping for party , Imlie was exhausted she totally ignored Mr. Rathore throughout even when he came inside to drink water knowing his eyes were on her. He scoffed too which she noticed which pissed her more.

She went to sleep soon after, snatching the blanket off him. No kindness for him, she thought. She woke up middle of night, and saw him curled up, she felt bad so she covered him with the blanket. Love can make you kind again , she sighed.

Next morning, she woke up early, Seema came early too. They both helped each other for cleaning and then they started on kitchen work. Aryan was setting speakers and bar up while they cooked.

By afternoon, she was dead tired so she took a nap. When she woke up, Aryan was getting ready already she looked at time, "Damn i need to get ready and set up" she muttered. So first she set up everything in buffet style, there was enough space on dining table to treat it buffet table, Aryan helped her picking up food and setting on table. He looked impressed but didnt comment as usual.  Imlie then went to take shower. She selected her favoritr sari, a shibori dyed sequin saree with sequin blouse which was sleevless.
(Guys the pink one is what Imlie is wearing)

It was a gift from her bhabhi, and what choice perfect for the occasion. She took the sari, heading towards the door, "Where you going?" Aryan asked
"I will be back" she said.
She had already called Kiara to help her with make up. Sasha had gone for her show, so Kiara was alone. She invited her for party , "You come too you are my friend please" she said
"Ok baba, let me set you up first" she removed her make up bag and started working on her. She got call from Aryan that he is stepping out to bring more drinks.  After 40 minutes she was finally ready, she was shocked to see herself in the mirror. "Babes oh my god kala tikka time" Kiara excitedly said.
"You look so hot babes!!! Aryan will eat you up" she said clapping her hands, Imlie knew better though he wont care much how she looks.
"Stay here until people come in your party, we will go together ok? I will go change" Imlie nodded nervously, she was starting to get butterflies with all the new people she was about to meet. After hour and half, she got an angry text from Aryan , "Where are you!! Most of my friends are here , they are asking about you😡"
"I will be there soon Mr. Rathore " she said with attitude in the text as well.
"Ms Attitude, Come fast" he said

Kiara came out wearing a beautiful mini dress, looking hot as model. "You are sexy Kiara" Imlie said
"Haha thanks babes, am taken though" she winked. Imlie laughed.

"Chalo time for your entry honey" she said grabbing her hand. Imlie's heart was racing, she could hear soft music when they reached their floor. Her body was feeling hot because of nervousness, she was already blushing, feeling shy suddenly and Kiara noticed that. "Calm down, remember sassiness. Take deep breath i dont want you nervous" kiara fanned her and Imlie nodded taking a deep breath. After few seconds , she felt better and then Kiara rang the bell. A stranger opened the door, "Come on in, Aru more guests!"
Kiara went in first followed by Imlie, Aryan looked up from a discussion he was having a lady. He froze, unable to recognize his wife at first, he gulped , she was making him nervous. She looked amazing, etheral beauty and Aryan couldnt take eyes off her. He cleared his throat, "Hey everybody attention, Please meet Mrs Rathore" taking Imlie's hand. Everybody clapped and Imlie smiled. She knew this was a show for him but for her it wasn't. Everybody gathered around them, saying congratulations and introducing themselves. "Hi Bhabhi, I travel most of the time with Aryan. Kishan is my name" shaking her hand.
"Nice to meet you" She responded.
"Hi Imlie , I am Sagarika and this is Keshvi " she said politely. Imlie smiled, they looked so perfect, their body and their face. She felt little insecure.
"They are air hostess, they fly frequently with me too" Aryan informed her, while Imlie nodded. Many other came and introduced , it will take while for her to remember the names and faces. She excused herself, to take breather in kitchen, but somebody followed her. It was Kishan, "Aryan is lucky man bhabhi" he was openly flirting and took her by suprise as she turned around. "So i heard you set this whole house? It looks beautiful just like you"
"Thanks" she didnt know what to say. Just then Aryan came in. "Kishan, leave my wife alone go grab some food" Kishan laughed and left.
Aryan came to her, she looked at him and noticed how handsome he looked too. With crisp pink shirt, a very eccentric choice but like they say real man wears pink. He carries it so well.
He was standing too close, then "You look sexy" he whispered rather huskily. Imlie eyes went wide, she wasnt expected that. His eyes had that desire that she cant imagine.
He stared at her, smirking he exited the kitchen. Imlie fanned herself, followed but he was now holding Sagarika by shoulder way too close. He then kissed her cheeks laughing about something. She fisted her hand , pissed and hurt. What does this man want?? He is openly being over friendly? Or thats how people in city are? Whatever it is she felt jealous. Kiara was busy talking to group, she didnt want bother her.  She went to food table, grabbed a tray setting appetizers on it. People can grab their food but she rather serve so she doesnt feel as left out. She went Kishan and other boys group first , "Hey guys please take some" Kishan quickly grabbed it and winked at her.
"Hi bhabhi I am Rohit and this is Karan we are colleagues to Aryan too" Imlie smiled "Nice to meet you guys" and continued . Aryan came to her, "Why you serving? They can grab it from table."
"It makes me happy and i like it so doing it " she simply replied.
"You and your attitude. Dominating toneagain" he whispered. He was trying to control his voice, that sounded desperate instead of angry. He could do so many things to her but it doesnt mean he feels emotionally.  Its just physical attraction towards her, her curves and that blouse - low cut, clevage teasing him. He has to control himself, he shook his head and went to Sagarika. His crush, before marriage he always wanted to date her but life changed. Imlie: physical attraction and one side: Sagarika : his crush. His mind was dazed and confused at the moment, he will go with the flow but his eyes followed only his wife tonight. She was too nice to others, a kind woman but to him she wasnt ; he observed. She served dinner as well and constantly asked anybody if they needed anything. She was perfect wife to the world. But that Kishan , he wa openly flirting with Imlie and he didnt like one bit. He wanted to gauge his eyes out the way he kept staring her when she wasnt looking. But he was his best friend too , and wasnt he the one told him, that she was free to live the life she wants? Let her be then. She can flirt with anybody she wants.

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