Chapter 51

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“Let me out!”

She was screaming and thrashing like a wounded animal. A betrayed look plastered all over her face as she struggled furiously against the silver chains snaking around her wrists. Due to her part human genes, the silver did not burn her skin but it was enough to suppress and fight against her newly emerging vampire counterpart.

That day in the woods, she had made no attempt to resist Ares’ hold as he ran up to his castle while carrying her up in his arms. He had brought her to his room, the same dark room she had opened her eyes in after the pureblood attack. Although he had just promised to make her regret crossing paths with him, she trusted him to not behave unjustly with her.

He was kind, she believed in his kindness… until she saw those tarnished silver chains.

She was weak and still in transition and he was her king after all. He proved that when he moved too fast for even her extremely sensitive instincts to comprehend. Before she could even bat her eyelashes, her wrists were already bound to the head-post, leaving not much room for her to oppose his actions.

“It’s for your own safety. If you tried devouring your own blood again, it can harm both you and the child growing inside you.”

He had let out those words without allowing any hint of emotion to leak into his tone.

She hadn’t been able to utter anything out in that moment. Her lips were trembling as she gave him a pained look, a small crimson dot hovering near the lower rim or her lid had finally found its way down towards her cheek.

That was the first day she had cried tears of blood.


Her hand went straight to her heavily swollen belly as she parted her lids wide, looking around with a dazed look in her eyes. She had fallen asleep while leaning against the soft leather of her head post.

Her belly had grown up remarkably in the past two months, making it extremely uncomfortable for her to find a comfortable position to lie down in. She could barely get any sleep due to the increasing pressure in her pelvis.


Putting some pressure on her wrist, she tried sitting up straighter to find a more relaxing position for herself but failed to do so. With a silent huff, she eventually settled a pillow behind to support her spine while letting her head drop back.

Her wrists were finally free. She had been kept chained for the first week of her transition to stop her unstable senses from harming herself. Henry, having significant past experience in the matter, was there to assist her through everything she faced. He taught her how to suppress her animalistic side from taking control of her body. He had stacked her refrigerator full with blood bags. He took her to the garden associated with the castle every night for walks. He did everything he could do for her.

His didn’t allow his reluctance to trust her due to her past ‘betrayal’ seep into any of his doings.

His master on the other hand had completely ignored her after bringing her to his castle. She tried being understanding of his position; he was the one who had witnessed her assisting Ruth right before his eyes; he was the one shackled for centuries in those chains she could barely stand on her wrist for a week; he had suffered through her perfidy firsthand.

And did she try being as understanding as possible of his condition, but at times she couldn’t stop feeling hurt over his behavior.

She was pregnant with his child; He was the one supposed to assist her, do everything that Henry had been doing.

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