Chapter 37

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1.  In 1879, Louis Pasteur observed, accidentally, that old bacterial cultures lost their virulence over time. He had decided an injecting the chickens with a fresh culture of a bacteria before a holiday. However, due to some reasons,he could not do so and ended up performing the procedure using the old cultures. Unexpectedly, the chickens only showed mild signs of the disease and survived. When they were healthy again, Pasteur, intrigued by the results, injected them with fresh bacteria. To his amazement, the chickens did not develop the said disease. This procedure became a stepping stone in the field of vaccination.

In easy words, microorganisms (bacteria/virus) usually lose their function over the period of time if they're kept in a host where they cannot further divide.

E.g. Venom in the vial.

2.  Four full moons as red blood cells have a life span of 120 days.

Btw, It's Past Ares' POV, from a third person's POV 😂

Enjoy! ❤




His hungry gaze quietly followed the hot blood oozing out of the gash inflicted upon the centre of a dirt ridden palm, forming a thick crimson trail that bifurcated further as it reached the junction of a scarred index and middle finger. Several tiny round drops born out of those small trails dipped down one after another into the crimson pool gathering beneath, igniting an insatiable burning in the pit of his gut. The faint metallic smell lingering in the air around him made his throat burn raw with an unquenchable thirst whilst his elongating canines impulsively tore their way out of his aching gums, poking their glinting tips out of the small space present between his parted lips

It was taking all his will to stop himself from grabbing the wrist of the man sitting in front of him and shoving the blood pooling out of the open wound directly into his own mouth.


Another torturing minute had passed with much agony before he eventually moved his head away from the man collecting his blood in a bowl,

"Just some more moments..."

He kept chanting those words under his breath like a mantra until a scruffling sound reached his ears followed by a flat monotonous voice,

"The bowl is full."

Gleaming emeralds lifted up to stare at the man standing with the bowl in his hands looking back at him with a blank gaze.

"Place the bowl on the floor and come here."

As if under a trance, the man robotically followed the commands thrown his way. His hands securely put the bowl near his lord's feet while he trudged wordlessly to sit down before the said vampire.

As soon as the man lowered himself down in front of him, Ares rushed forward to grab the back of his neck with just enough pressure to bring the man at eye level with him.

"Forget whatever you saw and did in here. Only remember that you helped a merchant with his luggage and you hurt your hand in the process. He gave you this money in return for your hard work."

The man's pupils were dilating and contracting with rapid alternate movements as if his body felt unable to decipher the situation he had currently landed himself into. The reigns to his thoughts and actions were being subjected to an uncanny game of tug of war.


Soon after Ares was done speaking, the man stood up from his spot, turned around and without sparing another glance behind, started walking mechanically towards the stairs leading to the entrance, in order to move out of the dungeons.

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