Chapter 29

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Author's Note:

Hello lovely readers!

Yes, I know I'm late and believe me I feel EXTREMELY sorry for that. 💙💙💙

I love how you guys have been patient with me and I cannot thank you enough for that. I love you. I love you all so very much! 😘

One more thing!
Some of the readers have been asking me to be regular. I know it's difficult to believe but I write almost every single day yet I was only able to produce something readable in a month, and I'm not very satisfied with this draft either.

It's hard writing about romance when you no longer believe in it the way you used to.

Nowadays, It's mostly a fight against my ownself trying not to drive myself insane, and amongst all this chaos, Stone Cold is a BIG baby that I'm very very proud of. We just reached 1M reads too! 😍😍😍

It was only possible because of you all. So please, bear with me. I'm trying. I swear I am.

Btw, who was the reader who suggested "Monster by Imagine Dragons" for Ares??? Damn, that song suits him PERFECTLY!!!! ❤😢

"Everyone, bow down to the lady of this manor! Credința Aresului!"

As if gripped by an enchanting trance, everyone present in the throne room bowed down immediately, accompanied by multiple voices synchronized well into a single harmony,

"Greetings, Milady!"

'When in hell did I become an actual lady?! And did he just change my name to make it sound more foreign?'

Her hands turned cold and clamny as her body became stiff under the overwhelming pressure of the room. Her eyes roamed over the strangely dressed villagers, casting a quick glance at their bowed stance before returning back to her own feet,

'What do I say? What should I do?' As a last resort to get her out of the miserable situation, her gaze went up to look at the cause of her misery, who still had her pressed firmly to his side.

Her eyebrows rose up as she found him already staring down at her with his enticing emeralds. There was a tinge of red tinting the corners of his pupil, barely noticeable but still there. His eyes looked like the canvas of a mad artist, torn between painting the coolness of a shadowy forest or letting the fall suck the life out of it.

"You may all rise!" Reading the hidden message passed through her gaze, he commanded without letting his eyes move away from her.

The room was filled with the rustling of clothes as they all straightened up from their bowed positions.

"This servant has a query, Milord."

She blinked as a familiarly unfamiliar voice reached her ears, forcing both of them to tear their gazes away from each other.

"You may speak, Father Gabriel."

Her eyebrows creased as a middle aged man with greyish black hair stepped forward from the centre of the crowd. His clerical attire became much prominent as he distanced himself from the others but part of his face stayed hidden away from her view. She could see his lips move—he was speaking something to Ares, but she was unable to graspe his words as all her attention remained fixated on trying to see his face properly.

Suddenly, he shifted his gaze away from Ares to stare directly into her eyes. Shock crossed her features as she met the grey coloured storms swirling in his eyes, resembling those caught in her own orbs.

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