Chapter 36

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Anyone willing to translate the song for your author? Pretty Please.

P.S. Do listen to it. I heard it recently and I just CAN'T get it out of my head. 😍😟

There were some minor changes in the interior but the black stone adorning the walls accompanied by minimal furniture consisting of a king sized canopy bed and a black couch underneath which rested upon a plush white rug were the same as she remembered from her memory. Even those four doors were located at the same points.

"Your expressions tell me you've been here before."

She hadn't noticed him standing so close behind her. His unexpected voice had lead her to twirl around immediately to face him.

"I... have."

She didn't know why she felt flustered without any particular reason.

He expressions did not give any of his feelings away as he continued staring impassively at her.

"May I?"

He had his hand stretched in front of her.

Although he hadn't said the whole question out loud, she knew what he was talking about. Lowering her eyes wordlessly, she turned around to let her back face him.

For a brielf moment followed by her actions, the room was enveloped in a mind-numbing silence. She could hear nothing but her how rapid breaths echoing around in her reddened ears.

'Why isn't he doing anythi-'

Suddenly a cold hand touched the back of her neck turning her eyes to saucers.

'He has removed his gloves?!'

She could feel his hands playing with the loose end of her curls, twirling them around his long fingers before letting them dangle down her back once again. It kept going on for some moments before he eventually moved them to the front of her shoulder with the tip of his icy finger. He made sure to do it ever so slowly that she was barely able to keep her breath in check.

After he was done assaulting her hair, his fingers leisurely moved down the back of her spine making small popping sounds as they unfastened the small buttons trailing down her nightgown. Soon enough, the gown came loose almost falling down her shoulders before she rushed to place her hands on her shoulders in order to hold the drooping dress close to her chest.

Once again, a tremendous silence fell over the room. This time, along with her convulsive breathing, loud swooshing of blood rushing in her vessels also clogged her ears. She was facing the other way but the feeling of his unwavering gaze burning a whole through her back was as clear as the day.

Worry creased her brows as his unsettling behaviour stayes put, much longer than she had initially expected. It was unnerving her.

'Is there something wrong with my back?'

Just as she thought he wouldn't be speaking anytime soon, his grave voice filled the empty room.

"The marks have visibly fainted."


Clutching her dress tight, she turned around swiftly to face the stoic lord standing behind her. He was looking strangely at her as if he couldn't recognize the person standing in front of him.

"A major part of the spell has been fulfilled, therefore it has fainted in comparison. The day of the commencement of the spell is fast approaching."

She didn't know what to think. Her mind was swarmed with countless scenarios in form of numerous small puzzle pieces, trying to connect different dots to expeditiously draw a reasonable conclusion.

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