Chapter 63

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“You go. I’ll stay.”

His eyes didn’t meet hers as he continued staring down but she could tell from his tone that his gaze had turned hard, all traces of vulnerability erased. He was trying to shut his emotions off.

“You cannot stay here. The fire will kill you.”

‘How do I make him get up? Henry wouldn’t be able to help us either. He must be busy searching for Antonio and Aria.’

“Then let it.”

His rapidly switching emotions were scaring her. His emotionally instability was increasing by the second.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about. Get up.”

Even while saying those words she knew deep down there was no point reasoning with him now. He was a prideful creature. His decision was absolute.

The air around them had become filled with the smell of charcoal and petroleum. There was a faint sound of crackling indicating that the fire was not too far away from the room they were occupying.

“Prince Felix de Cyrus King, stand up this instant and come out with us now.”

She had been busy thinking of a way to convince Felix as she heard Ares’ booming voice echoing through the throne room. He had used his authority as a king to order Felix.

Her eyes turned to saucers as she watched Felix’ body started shaking uncontrollably. The veins on his temples and neck had become prominent under the beads of sweat forming on his paper-like skin. His chest was heaving up and down as the notch at the end of his neck became deeper with every breath he inhaled.

‘He’s resisting the command.’

Ares had stood up by now and was staring down at both of them with an impassive expression.

“Let it go, prince. Come with us.”

In contrast to his cold appearance, the tone he used with Felix had been very gentle.

“No…l-let m-me stay w-with f-fath…”

‘Does he want to atone for his actions by staying with his father till the end, even if it kills him?’

“You have us Felix. You have us as your family. Yo-”


She was cut off mid-sentence by Felix’ roaring voice.

“I do not h-have you. I don’t!”

His eyes were glowing by the end of this sentence, but not the usual crimson shade vampires were notorious to have. They were glimmering with a tinge of teal, making his silver gaze appear frostier than it already looked.

“What’s happening to him?”

With an alarmed gaze, she hurriedly turned to look at Ares who had a little frown etched on his forehead.

“A witch’s awakening.”


“He was trying to suppress his vampire side to overrule the command given to him. He tried lending power from his witch-part to continue maintaining that suppression which resulted in him being able to break the seal on his powers.”

Felix’s body had stopped quivering by now.

“I-I don’t understand. Wasn’t he already using his powers?”

“I thought the same, but I guess he had only learned a few spells to impress and aid Cyrus. He hadn’t been able to break through the seal before.”

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