Chapter 55

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As the pureblood essence flowing through her body cleared the haze around her head, she found an image of a distraught woman getting reflected into a pair of melted silver pools.

Felix had one of his arms wrapped around her shoulders while the rest of her body was flopped in his lap.

‘He fed me his blood.’

From his swift actions, she could tell he had wasted no time in tearing his wrist to feed her his blood.

‘But why?’

Her mind was a mess torn between the two extremes of her views. Half of her wanted to believe what the crazy turned-vampire had told her;  Felix truly was an innocent man. On the other hand, the rational half of her couldn’t bring itself to believe that a man could go misunderstood as a psycho killer for centuries.

‘How did no one know?’

The idea of Felix playing tricks on her to bond with her forcefully, just like Cyrus bonded with Ruth scared her.

‘What if he tries drinking my blood now to try forming a bond with me?’

As realization of her situation dawned on her, she tried wriggling out of his ironclad hold, only to pause midway as she felt a weird sensation; something was flowing down her legs.

Panic surged through her as she hastily tried lifting up her dress over her knees to look at the liquid sticking to the skin of her thighs.


“M-My W-Wa…”

The shock of seeing it all unfold seemed to have frozen her muscles. She was unable to get the trapped words out of her throat.

“It’s alright. I’ve got you.”

Hearing his calm reassuring voice, she slowly turned to look at him with wide eyes.

She was still gaping unbelievably at him, unable to form words when she was lifted up in the vampire prince’s arms as he started carrying her upstairs with him. She couldn’t pay attention to how many doors he passed and how many hallways he crossed. Her sole attention was diverted by one fact; Ares was not here.

She was going to give birth without him by her side.

‘How am I going to deliver our baby all on my own? Would Felix even allow my child to survive? He said my child would be punished before Ares…’

The sensation of her body getting dropped onto a soft mattress brought her attention back to the present. Felix had placed some sheets underneath her body while placing some pillows under her head at the same time. After making sure that her body was lying in a comfortable position on the bed, he walked towards the far corner of the room, starting to rummage through some drawers.

She was alone, in a foreign country, trapped in an eerie mansion, with a strange man, just about to give birth.

“I want Ares.”

She felt as if she saw him flinch out of the corner of her eye but she couldn’t be too sure. He wasn’t facing her completely.

“I want to go back to Ares.”

“I heard you the first time.”

His reply had come back almost immediately this time. His calm demeanor had no cracks in it.

“If you heard me, then give me a response!”

“I am giving you a response.”

He was addressing her as if he were talking to a  child.

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