Chapter 12

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The wall clock's hand kept going round and round with slow jerky movements. She stared at it, her mind drifting in and out of the scene. A man standing in front of the board, uttered words that were incoherent to her. Someone cracked a joke about bananas. Laughter erupted from all around her. Some students even hit the desk repeatedly with excitement.

The poor teacher stood there with his hands raised. He moved them up and down lightly, asking everyone to keep their voices down.

It felt suffocating in there. She had spent the whole weekend cooped up in her room, doing nothing. She hadn't slept properly for two days. Everytime she closed her eyelids, a chained statue flashed before her eyes. She had become afraid of falling asleep. Her mind was scared of seeing him again.

Her heart, on the other hand, was a lost case. It yearned for him. For his presence. For his touch. Torn between rationality and her unhealthy addiction to the Vampire Lord, she was starting to lose her mind. She questioned herself sometimes, whether she had been hallucinating all along. But the bloody top in her basket, back in her apartment, told another story.

She rested her head on the hard surface of the desk. Her eyes turned glassy as her surroundings slowly melted away into nothing.

Clip clopping of horse hooves was the first sound that registered in her brain. She took in the new scene before her. She was sitting inside an old style carriage. It moved with slow jerky movements, just like the hand of that wall clock in her classroom. She heard a whipping sound before the carriage suddenly came to a halt.


A man said from the outside of the carriage. The door opened as she gazed out. It looked like an old street from the middle ages. She felt herself moving. She looked down to find shiny leather boots coming into her view as they stepped out onto the concrete. A black cloak, hanging from her body, reached down to the floor. It dragged behind her as she started taking long confident steps. There was a grace in the way she walked. She was never this graceful.

She tried touching the soft fabric clingling to her body, But was unable to move her hand. She tried again but nothing happened. Her mind was working on overdrive trying to connect the dots. Leather boots. Tall stature. Milord.

Realization dawned on her. she wasn't controlling the movements of this person. It wasn't her body. It was his.

She looked around. There were so many people gathered around the edges of the streets. Some of them were peering through the windows of their houses too. They had been chattering amongst themselves but a deep silence washed over them as soon as he stepped his foot there. 'Is this from his memory?' She thought to herself.

Most of them immediately lowered their heads down, trying to take a subtle peek at him from behind their eyelashes. Some heads remained stiff, staring at him with resentful eyes. 'That's disrespectful. Especially coming from the medieval era.'

She thought he'd punish them but he kept walking straight like it didn't affect him at all. He took some more steps before a painful cry reached his ears. No one else seemed to take a notice of it. He halted in his steps. Another scream. He started walking in the direction of that sound. People parted like the Red Sea to make way for him. His senses took him towards the back alley of a hotel. Some of the people decided to follow him out of curiosity. The cries got louder and louder as he neared it. The people following him were beginning to hear it too. Mixture of anxiety and disgust crossed their faces just as they stepped foot in the alleyway and saw the scene taking place in there.

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