Chapter 2

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She didn't have any words. This town, Rye, was magnificent. Nestled between the hills and the sea, the town seemed to be stuck in time. Those small houses lining the cobbled streets, It indeed looked like a town out of the mediaeval era.

All day, they kept visiting places. The town looked something out of a storybook. Every street charmed the eyes. They were awestruck by it's beauty.


They were turning a street when an old lady's cart collided with Faith and she fell down.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

The old lady was frantically observing her to see for any damage. Her palm had been grazed. The old lady held it, apologizing again and again but suddenly she stood still.

She was looking intently at Faith's palm.

"You finally came?" The old lady stared at her weirdly.

"Excuse me?" Faith was trying to break free from her hold. The old lady held her palm tightly and kept repeating the same words as if in a trance.

"He'd be free."

Faith fainted.


She was lying in the hotel room. They had decided to call it a day and rest for now. Faith smiled, remembering how everyone was so worried about her. April almost fed her the entire restaurant. She took care of her like a mother.


Faith closed her eyes. She shouldn't go there.

She opened her eyes to look around the room. She had to share this room with 2 other girls. April and a girl called Alex. Alex was a tall girl with a model's body.

Faith touched her soft tummy as she lied on the small hotel bed. "Do I look fat to others?"

Her mind was wandering towards the insecurity zone again.

"Stop it!" She scolded herself as she buried her face in the pillow.

"What? I'm not even allowed to brush the tangles out of my hair now?" April glared at her playfully.

"Sorry. It wasn't meant for you." Faith replied sheepishly.

"Ooo. So you were giving 'expert advice' to your own self?" April snickered.

Faith chucked a pillow towards April which she skillfully dodged. She stuck out her tongue at Faith.

"Hmph." Faith turned towards the other side but a smile took over her lips as she fell into a deep sleep. The weird incidence from the evening erased from her mind.‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎


Not again.


She stayed silent this time. Standing alone in the dark. It was terrifying. He could come from anywhere.

"Why did you make me wait so much?"

I didn't.

"Faith! Answer me!"

She woke up with a jolt. What was happening to her. Two weird dreams in the span of past 24 hours. She looked at the window. Light was coming through the slit between the blinds.


She looked alarmingly towards the voice. April was standing at the door.

"Why do you get scared everytime I call your name?"

"Nothing Just.." She left her sentence in the middle.

"We were thinking about exploring some nearby places before we leave this town. Get ready. We're leaving in an hour."

Faith looked at her back as she left the room.

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