Chapter 28

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Author's Note:

Knock Knock!

Guess who's here?

First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the love and support you guys provided me! I cannot express my gratitude for it in mere words. Thank you VERY much.

I'll try updating regulary BUT you guys have to help me a bit through this part.

I made an account on insta exclusively for our 'Stone Cold' community. You guys can DM me, we can have a nice little chat about anything, you can share ideas and fanarts and whatever you'd like to and we can make this work. We CAN write this fantasy romance again.

So help me ya'll? 💙💙💙


A distant whisper tickled her half asleep mind, trying to brush the haziness around her with its feebile attempts.


A moment later, the voice called out her name again. This time, louder.

Her clouded brain could detect a tinge of urgency in it. The sound pulled at her heartstrings, urging her to pry her eyes open and answer to it, immediately.


The person crying out her name seemed to have come closer now, too close to ignore their presence anymore.

"Why did you leave me, Faith..?"

The question was thrown her way in a barely audible murmur as if the person was asking it more to their own self yet she was clearly able to hear the anguish lacing the silent plea. It sounded like someone who had been betrayed, ruthlessly

Someone who had been betrayed by.. her.

She tried opening her eyes but it felt like someone had glued both her lids shut, rendering her unable to part them. She tried opening her mouth, in a failed attempt to speak, but the words remained stuck at the back of her throat. She felt helpless, imprisoned inside her own body, forced to hear things she didn't want to.

"You said I could trust you. I had started trusting you. Then why?!"

Despite its frenzied state, her brain was finally able to put a name to the gradually raising voice. The realisation proving to be a nightmare in intself.


She, once again, tried opening her mouth to utter some coherent words, but only air came out of her parted lips.

'I didn't leave you, Ares. I didn't!'

She wanted to scream but her weakened state didn't allow her to.

The feeling of helplessness crawling inside of her was starting to be replaced by an unconditional terror that gripped her heart tighter and tighter every passing second, suffocating her with its bone-crushing clutches.

For some moments, only her own gasping sounds could be heard by her as she tried over and over again to speak something, anything.

Just as she felt a hot liquid flowing down the corner of her eyes, a bloodcurdling scream shattered the stillness around her into several pieces. Involuntarily, her hands attempted to cover her ears to block out the terrifying screams, but her limbs felt much heavier than expected. Her lips quivered with the fear of unknown as she thrashed her head side to side to somehow wake up from this horrible nightmare.

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