Chapter 19

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She sat on the corner of her bed, staring at the only window inside the room. Embroided drapes hung on either side of the casement, enclosing the room in a caliginosity that clasped the whole castle in its tight clutches. A small slit formed, where both curtains met. The tiny opening allowed some rebellious sun beams to enter the room, tinting its interior with murkiness.

She had spent the whole day cooped up in the said room. Henry only came to take the dishes away or bring her lunch in the afternoon. Another day was wasted and she had yet to have a proper talk with Ares. She glanced again at the glass window. The sun rays had started to retreat. A sign of the fast approaching night. She climbed out of the bed. 'I'll find him myself to talk.'

Grabbing her phone, she walked out of the room. 'Where to? Where to?' She decided on going to the throne room first.

The hallways came alive with the echo of her light footsteps. She observed her surroundings as she walked leisurely towards the big hall. There were no longer any black marks on the castle walls. They were free of any pictures or portraits. Only sconces were attached to the bare walls, providing a shadowy light to her surroundings.

After taking two or three turns, she finally reached the end of the hallway where those giant doors stood proudly. She held her breath standing before the mahogany doors. Carefully raising a hand, she tried to push it open. Th door didn't budge. She tried again by applying a bit more force. Nothing. She placed both of her hands on its surface, trying to force it open with her weight. The doors remained closed. Huffing with annoyance, she knocked the door impatiently, calling out his name,

"Ares." No one answered.

'Isn't he in there?' She called out his name again. "Ares!"

"Yes?" He sounded drained.

"Open the door!" She glared holes at the poor doors.

"What door?" He asked in an aloof tone. 'That guy can hear my thoughts but he fails to hear the banging mere feet away from him?' She halted. 'There's something wrong. His voice.. it doesn't seem to be coming out of the throne room.'

"A-Ares?" She hesitantly called out his name again, to test her theory.

"Yes?" She was right. It wasn't coming from inside the throne room. It was coming from inside her. Fear spread across in her system at the unknown occurrence.

"Why are you scared, Regina mea?" He had sensed her terror.

"Where are you?" She forced each word out of her mouth.

"Behind you." His voice didn't come from inside her this time. It came from right behind her.

She spun around at his voice to meet his gaze. "H-How?"

"How did I come here? I walked." He stated it in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I'm not talking about this. How could I hear your voice in my head?!" She was getting agitated.

"The bond, Faith." He maintained his casual tone.

Fed up of his carefree ways, she grabbed his collar bringing his face closer to hers."The bond had been established about two months ago yet I only heard your voice today. Why didn't I hear it before? Why don't you tell me more about this bond? Stop using seduction to get out of difficult situations!"

He raised an eyebrow at her feral behaviour. "The Bond enables us to read each other's thoughts. I can read yours because you're weaker than me. You'd be able to read mine as the bond gets stronger or if I get weaker."

"Did the bond get stronger?" She looked at him with inquisitive eyes.

"No." He placed his hands on top of hers. She felt herself freeze at his ice cold touch. He gave her a threatening smile, his sharp fangs glinting in the dull lighting. She let go of his collar, backing away immediately. He straightened himself up. "If you allow me, I have some things to take care of." His face was wiped clean of any emotion as he said this.

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