Chapter 54

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Minutes turned to hours, hours turned into days—days that were a hair’s breadth away from coalescing to form a week. Every single bit of her time spent in this small cell was drilled down into her mind. It was a monotonous routine of her waking up to find a blood bag in front of the bars. She’d glare at it from a distance, trying to burn a hole through the plastic. Once she had caused enough damaged to her eyes by straining it, she’d angrily grab the bag, tearing into it to indulge into her thirst shamelessly. Eventually she’d find herself going back to staring into the abyss of her miseries until sleep claimed her once again.

This day was no different than the others. She couldn’t tell what time it was outside, no ray of sunshine dared trespassing into the cells of the vampire-witch hybrid. It had been some time since the blood bag was placed outside the silver bars, ushering her to believe it to be nighttime now. She had just finished emptying her bladder into the small toiled in one corner of the cell. She had hesitated quite a bit while using it for the first time but she had gotten used to it by now.

‘At least it’s better than soiling the ground.’

The thought crossed her mind as she was washing her hands in the basin making her scoff.

There had been no signs of Ares.

‘Is he even coming to help me?’

Trying to support her weight against the wall, she slowly lowered herself down onto the floor. Her malicious thought-process had kicked into action. Staying cooped up in one place was far too deteriorating for her mental health than she had imagined.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, she leaned her head back on the wall trying to empty her head of any thoughts. Just as she felt the inviting embrace of sleep trying to engulf her in its embrace, a pair of silver eyes flashed before her making her peer her eyes open immediately,

‘What the? Why did he come to my mind?’

She hadn’t heard from him since the first day she was locked in there. The last she had seen of him was when he had stormed out of the basement,

“He stole my only chance at salvation.”

His words were engraved in her brain.

She had thought about escaping on her own multiple times but the situation never allowed it. Neither did Felix appear before her after that day nor did he answer to any of her calls. She had tried awaking numerous times to see and talk to him when he brought blood bags for her yet he always managed to avoid her.

“Sly bastard.”

Mumbling the words under her breath, she was just about to slip into a deep slumber when a sudden rattling sound alerted her senses. The door of the basement was getting rotated around its hinges.

Felix had a distinct fragrance, somewhat resembling that of a musk, unlike the person who had just opened the gate to the basement. They smelled like rotten flesh.

‘It’s not Felix.’

Wrapping both of her arms protectively in front of her belly, she hid in a dark corner of the cell, awaiting the next move of the person who was coming down towards her.

There were no sounds of footsteps, but she could clearly hear a slowed heartbeat getting closer and closer to the cell where she was hiding. If it were a pureblood, she wouldn’t have been able to hear their heartbeat from the distance they shared between themselves. There was no doubt that it was a turned vampire.

A turned but highly skilled vampire that had stepped into the house of the vampire prince.


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