Chapter 27

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Author's Note:

Hey lovely readers!
I missed you all.. so damn much!
If you're one of those who are following me, you'd know I had some issues going on that made me unable to write anything. I'm so sorry that you guys had to wait for more than a month for the next update. I'm sorry, I really am.
I wouldn't give up on 'Stone Cold.' It means so much to me and so do all of you.
I read all of your comments and messages and trust me, you guys proved to be such a great support for me.
I love you all.

An involuntary urge tugged her hand towards the glowing pendant, motioning her to clutch it in between her thumb and index finger. Before she knew what she was doing, her digits already had the platinum object in her feebile grasp. Her fingers traced every part of the delicately carved piece, following the trail left after the thorny rose.

'It's beautiful,' The metal resembled its owner in every aspect, cold yet extremely breathtaking, 'How did Ruth get a hold of this?'

She was still immersed in examining the mysterious pendant when out of the blue, two hands gripped her shoulder, rotating her to trap her between a wall and a big figure. A heavy coat was draped over her shoulders in the process, hiding her exposed torso behind the rich leather. It all happened so fast that she had little time to comprehend her situation.

"Wha-" A loud clattering sound echoed around the empty hallway, silencing her immediately.

'There's someone here.' Her hands clutched Ares' loose shirt, wrinkling it in the process.

"M-my L-lord.." The voice sounded all too familiar.

Peeking from behind Ares' tall built, she found a wide eyed Henry staring back at them with his jaw hanging low to the floor. White rice were scattered on the ground, near his feet, along with a mud bowl broken into several pieces.

"Why are you here, Henricus?" Ares' serious tone made her realise that he only addressed Henry as 'Henricus' when he was annoyed due to some reason.

Unaware of Ares' question, Henry looked dazzed, as if his soul had already left his body at that point.


Ares' booming voice caused Henry to snap out of his dead land fantasy. His eyes blinked once, twice and then repeatedly to clear his head of any thoughts before finally coming back to life.

He casted a quick glance at Faith before quickly shifting his gaze back to Ares. His ears had turned into a dark shade of crimson, openly displaying his discomfort. He didn't look anything close to the man she had met before. He wasn't as composed as his future self at all. What she was seeing at the moment was the epitome of innocence, 'What is going through that boy's head?'

"F-f-food." She wanted to burst out laughing at his cute demeanour.

"Get someone to clean this up and get a room prepared for the lady."

Faith saw as Henry's brows wrinkled at his lord's unusual behaviour. His frown was a clear indication of his confusion laced with unwillingness but he did a great job at refraining himself from voicing his thoughts out loud.

'He's much more timid as compared to his future version.'

A loud cough broke her trance, causing her to shift her attention back to the man standing in front of her.

Ares had turned to face her, but he still stood in a way that blocked Henry's view of her undressed state. Their eyes met for a mere second before his eyes travelled down her body. He had covered her with his coat when he had sensed Henry coming down from the stairs yet she felt undeniably naked under his scorching gaze.

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