Chapter 34

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Your author loves you all a lot

"Gabriel! Gabriel!"

Barely able to support Henry's tall built with one arm, she knocked repeatedly on the large wooden doors like a mad woman till her palm turned red from the constant contact.

"What in God's name are you doi-"

The words froze at the tip of his tongue as Gabriel stopped midway, staring horrified through the slit at the disheveled woman standing at his doorstep.

Long locks of tousled hair lingered over half of her pale face while the rest of it was covered by smears of dried blood and dirt. A sleeve of her coteharide along with the previously long flowy rim had been torn ruthlessly exposing parts of her naked shoulder and legs to the onlooking eyes.

She looked nothing like the lady he had met this evening.

Rattled by her rumpled image, his eyes shifted to the man she was struggling to support, only to widen twice in size when he realised who it was.

"What happened?

Taking in Henry's blood soaked cloathes with patches of Faith's dress tied around his head and torso, the question came out of Gabriel's mouth on its own accord.

"The villagers.. attacked."

She was becoming more and more breathless while trying not to let Henry fall down.

Opening the doors wide, Gabriel immediately stepped forward to grab Henry out of Faith's clutches. As soon as Henry was out of her grasp, she fell down on the floor with a loud thud. All the newfound energy was evaporating out of her system rapidly.

"Step inside and close the doors behind you, Credința. Someone might see you."

Upon hearing Gabriel's command, she lowered her eyes for a moment, as if she were assembling enough power inside her body to get up from her hunched position. Soon enough, she lifted her empty gaze before placing a hand on the wall behind her for support. With quivering hands, she was eventually able to lock the doors on her third attempt.

"What was their motive?"

She could hear Gabriel's voice become more and more distant before furious ripping sounds started resonating inside the quiet building.

'He must be tearing Henry's shirt to expose his wounds.'

Turning around, she staggered to reach the small room at the back where she had seen Henry getting carried by Gabriel.

"They consider me a... misfortune for the town."

She let out the words lazily as she slowly trudged towards the dark room. Her legs were barely able to keep up with her weight as she stopped several times on her way to support herself against benches with the help of her arms.

She was expecting another question in return but no sound followed her statement.

Staring silently at the floor, she continued moving forward till she reached the dingy entrance of the small room. Her fingers gripped the door frame tightly, exhaling a large puff of air as she leaned her head against the stone wall, peering inside wordlessly.

Shock crossed her features as soon as she witnessed Gabriel heating one side of a metal rod in the fireplace whilst an unmoving Henry lay sprawled on a sheet near him amongst several torn bloodied pieces of clothes.

"W-What are you doing?" She stumbled hastily to Henry's side all the while glaring with apprehension at Gabriel.

"Branding his wounds to stop the bleeding and reduce the chances of pus formation."

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