Chapter 57

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“Would you like to cut the cord for me Felix?”

His eyebrows furrowed as he shifted his gaze away from the little curled baby to its mother.

Beads of sweats were glistening on Faith’s forehead. Some of them had already traveled down her hairline, giving her raven hair a strangely attractive look. The loss of blood had turned her complexion even paler than before causing the veins branching under her skin to become more prominent. Her trembling lips had acquired a blue tinge yet the smile gracing them never faltered once. With dried scarlet patches surrounding the rims of her half-opened eyes, she resembled a rugged marble sculpture— a damaged yet an alluring piece of art.


Faith called out his name again as she continued staring at her worn out image getting reflected in his translucent eyes.

“But this action holds a special meaning.”

His frown was still in place.

“I know.”

She didn’t give him any detailed answer. She just continued looking up at him with her half-closed eyes.

Maybe it had been something about her tired expressions that he didn’t ask anything else and silently went on to cut the baby’s umbilical cord.

She could feel him cleaning her legs, picking up the dirtied sheets and tidying up the mess but she didn’t pay much attention to it. Her sole focus of attention was her infant daughter snuggling close to her chest.

Suddenly an unkempt emotion hidden within the deepest, darkest corners of her heart emerged out of her as she saw a pair of large hands inching close to her daughter, causing her to tighten her hold around the little creature as an animalistic snarl escaped from the back of her throat as a sign of warning.

“Relax, princess. I’m just taking her to wrap her in a blanket.”


“Relax. I’m not going to harm either of you.”

He repeated the sentence to her slowly, putting emphasis on every word as he raised his hands up to appear as harmless as possible.

Gingerly, her hold on her daughter’s tiny body loosened allowing Felix to take her in his arms.

“Good girl. You did well.”

Cradling the little baby in one of his arms, his free hand crawled down to stroke the top of Faith’s head, giving it a small pat.

“I’m going to wrap her now. Okay?”

As he turned around to grab a small blanket, he made sure to stay in the line of Faith’s vision, in a way to keep an anxious mother’s heart reassured.


Not even a moment had passed before she witnessed Felix sauntering back in her direction while delicately holding a bundle in his arms. Her daughter was so tiny that Faith couldn’t even spot the little vampire inside the black velvet Felix was holding close to his chest.

“I don’t have any clothes for babies but I’ll make sure to get some the next day. For now, this is all I have to offer to the mini-princess.”

His slender finger lightly pressed the baby’s nose as a small hint of smile appeared on his rosy lips capturing Faith in a trance.

He looked much different from the eccentric front he had created for the world to see. Standing here, in this room, holding a little baby in his arms as he smiled down at her lovingly, he looked almost normal.

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