Chapter 16

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She followed Henry like a lost lamb, trying her best to keep up with his long strides. The exterior of the castle had left her in awe but that was nothing compared to the interior. The Old English Doors, with their exquisite patterns, were just as beautiful as she had left. Now as she looked closely in the daylight, the design looked smiliar to a rose wrapped around a cross made of stakes. Its thorns sticking in every direction, giving it a gloomy tint.

She sucked in a breath as she stepped foot inside the foyer. It looked nothing like the last time she was here. The oak floors were fixed skillfully with no cracks left. They didn't produce any creaking sound as she followed Henry up the staircase. Heavy blinds, draped over the previously broken windows, didn't allow any sunlight to enter the castle. The only source of light inside the hallway was a big crystal chandelier hanging down the stone roof.

She traced the staircase railing with her fingertips as she climbed up the steps. It was free of any dust specks that had been covering it for centuries. The refurbishment that followed the castle, made it look alive. It was resembling its Lord in every way. Mysterious. Beautiful. Intimidating.

A loud cough broke her out of her trance. She withdrew her hand abruptly, looking up to find Henry already standing at the top of the stairs. She jogged up to him making sure not to fall down clumsily. She was breathing unevenly as she reached the last step. He stood there calmly, waiting for her to catch her breath. A light pink shade tinted her cheeks as she began feeling self conscious under his scrutinizing gaze. 'I need to start working out.'

He started walking again once he saw her breathing return to normal. She walked behind him silently. He hadn't exchanged a single word with her during their encounter. She was thinking about breaking the silence when she noticed the familiar pathway. Realisation dawned on her. 'He's taking me to the throne room.'

He stopped in front of the mahogany doors. She could sense a powerful presence behind them. He raised his hand to knock the door lightly with the back of his knuckles. The sound echoed in the hallway.

"You may enter." Hearing his voice after such a long time was a melody to her ears.

Henry pushed the door slightly open. He stepped through it, continuing to hold it for her. Her heart was hammering against her ribcage as she set her foot inside. The dusty red carpet leading from the door to the throne was removed. Floors were cleaned to the point where she could she her own image reflecting from their surface. Her eyes moved up to find what they had been yearning for so long.

He was slumped sideways on the throne, painting the epitome of a nonchalant, disinterested king. His long legs rested on the armrest lazily as he tilted his head to look coldly at Henry. He didn't spare her any glance.

"What a surprise, Henricus Christensen." He smiled dangerously at Henry.

Henry bowed down immediately. One of his knees rested on the sparkling floor as he placed his right hand on his heart. "Henricus Christensen greets his King and Queen."

He kept kneeling in the same position till Ares let out an exasperated sigh, "You can stand."

Henry stood upright with his hands folded behind him, eyes casted down. Ares gave him a calculated stare. "If only you respected my decisions as much as your stance is showing at the moment." Henry remained silent.

"Aren't you afraid I'd kill you for disobeying me?"

"You wouldn't. You need me to manage your finance and accounts." Is he being sarcastic? She could detect a hint of smugness in his tone.

"Go away, Henry. You're giving me a headache." Ares draped one arm over his eyes.

"Sure, Milord. I'd leave you alone with your," Henry paused to glance at Faith who'd been silent all along, "Headache." With that, she was left alone in the room with him.

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