Chapter 38

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It was mentioned in the previous chapter that the feeding process makes the prey feel as if they're under the influence of alcohol. That's part of the reason behind her slightly different behaviour.


CHAPTER 16 and Chapter 21.


She calls past one, "Lord Ares" and future one "Ares."

Do tell me how you all liked it 💕

Enjoy! ❤

Time stood still as her warm plump lips crashed against his cold luscious ones, sucking her partially uttered name along with his soul out of them. She could sense his surprise at her audacious move by the way his body had turned deathly still under her touch whilst his unblinking eyes kept gawking at some invisible point located in far space behind her head.

For a second or two, her lips, too, stayed unmoving, bathing in the warmth radiating off of those freezing lips, before starting their exploration by placing small gentle pecks on his upper lip repeatedly. The sensation of her mouth ceaselessly coming into contact with his own was ethereal to say the least. She felt as if several ice cold snowflakes were slowly falling all over her burning body, pricking her senses wherever they touched before withering away on her skin in a heap of small melted drops.

Out of nowhere, a sharp pain shooting up her throbbing bottom lip hindered her way to the train of ecstasy, causing her to stop assaulting his cupid's bow for a small period. Gingerly, her trembling lips moved away from his heaving ones at the same time as the feathery shadow cast on his sunken cheeks by his long dark lashes slowly lifted off to reveal a glassy scarlet gaze.

"Your lip is bleeding, love."

She could feel his razor sharp fangs, poking out of his half parted mouth, rubbing ever so slightly against her swollen ones as he let those words out in the form of a breathless sigh.


Maintaining only a hair's breadth distance between their gasping lips, her tongue slid out of her mouth, running along the length of those glinting canines, drawing a low grunt out of the back of his throat to her astonishment.

'His kisses feel like the first drizzle of autumn.'

Not being able to hold her craving off, her starving mouth once again found its way back to his parted one, continuing to kiss it fervently.

A booming crack of thunder resounded outside, resembling close enough to the explosive sounds of fireworks going inside her own head. Her ears felt clogged with the loud whooshing of blood rushing towards her beet root face whilst light pitter pattering of rain shortly joined the deafening cacophony flooding her already overwhelmed senses.

Despite being under the shade of a dimly lit prison, she could feel herself getting drenched to the core, all because of those cool wet pair of lips currently pressed against her own. There was no rain in the dungeons yet she was soaked to her bone, leaving every inch of her soul transparent to the eyes of the man whose arms she presently occupied.

Suddenly, she was back in the basement of this very castle, sharing a bloodied kiss with a centuries old stone statue on a similar rainy night, the only difference being that in this moment, there was no magical trance involved that had clouded her judgement.

This time, it was out of her own free will.

It was out of love.

"My lord.."

Reluctantly, she once again moved back, detaching her shivering lips from his stoic mouth, gazing inquisitively at him,

"You aren't responding."

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