Chapter 21

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This chapter contains mild smut. Read at your own risk!

She stared at the lamp placed on the bed side. Her glassy eyes appeared as swirling waves of ocean swallowing a reddish orange halo. The lamp's dull luminescence, gleaming in those ripples, painted an alluring picture of a sunset.

She yawned, stretching her limbs. The haze around her senses was clearing away bit by bit. Her mind registered a dull throbbing in her bruised neck. She carefully touched the swollen area. 'What happened?'

Events of the pureblood incident came crashing down on her. Her mind swarmed with every scary detail as a shiver of fright passed through her body. She scrunched her eyebrows thinking back to the point Ares came to save them.

She blushed thinking about their small. 'I came back for my family.' She recalled his words in her mind. She felt like burying her face in the pillow and screaming loudly. He called her his family!

She stopped with her daydreaming when she noticed the foreign interior of the room. 'This isn't the room I had been staying in.'

She was lying in a king sized, four poster bed. Black silk sheets were bundled around her as a soft duvet hugged her small frame. Thin translucent drapes were hanging down the canopy obstructing her view of the unfamiliar room. She pushed the quilt away, getting out of the bed. Her feet made contact with the cold floor making her squeak with surprise.

'Leaving the warm bed doesn't seem like a great idea.' She thought standing in the middle of the room. The weather had turned the nights chilly. She shivered involuntarily, rubbing her arms, as she passed a curious glance over the room's interior.

It was a spacious room, much bigger than the previous one. The walls were made of black stone, making the room seem darker in appearance. The bedroom was fairly empty except for the king sized bed and a couch placed against the opposite wall. A glass table faced the couch, resting on an expensive looking plush rug. A book was set neatly on top of the shiny glass surface.

She tried taking a peek at the title but the lack of light in the room didn't allow it. She walked closer, the soft fur of the rug tickling her bare feet. She bent down to pick up the book in her hands, reading the title.

Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945 by Tony Judt.

'He has been studying about all those years he missed.' She pursed her lips placing the book back at the table. Standing straight, she continued analysing the room.

Suddenly a strong urge to empty her bladder hit her. 'The previous room had a bathroom attached to it. This room should too. Right?'

That's how she found herself opening every door inside the bedroom. There were four doors in total.

One lead to the hallways. The entrance door of the room.

The second door was locked.

She opened the third door to reveal an attached bathroom. She sighed with relief, hurrying inside to ease her urge.


She stood in front the bathroom mirror staring at her disheveled state. Her hair resembled a bird's nest. The rim of her eyes seemed red and swollen. There were bluish purple bruises on her neck from when the crazy vampire had tried attacking her.

She brushed her teeth with a spare toothbrush she found in the cupboard, rinsing her mouth of the bad taste. Passing a hand through her messy hair, she tried to brush the tangles out of them as much as possible. She left it at that when her efforts didn't succeed.

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