Chapter 31

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When a person is alive, the blood that comes out of their body gets clotted because fibrinogen, a plasma protein produced by the liver, gets converted into fibrin which makes a thread like meshwork to help clot the blood. A dead person's blood DOESN'T have this feature. It gets turned to powder as soon as it leaves the body.

That's one way of finding out whether the injuries were infliced before or after death.


I swear If someone commented asking me why his blood is dusty, I'm going to slam my head against the wall.

I'M EXHAUSTED! I've been on this for more than 2 weeks. I haven't rested my back for the past 5 HOURS. So pleeeease be a dear, and read this ❤❤❤


The scent of various flowers mixed with the smell of burning wax wafted through her nostrils as she stood unmoving at the doorstep of her new home. The coachmen had dropped them at the entrance to the residence as he went ahead with Henry to put the horses back into the stable. This left her alone with the person she was dreading to face the most.

Her husband.

"Are the arrangements up to your liking?"

Her hands clenched tightly into fists as she looked at the numerous candles lightening her path—A path filled with rose petals. As far as she could look, flowers and lanterns were used skilfully to adorn the gloomy walls of the castle, bringing life to each and every corner of the dead manor.

"You didn't need to go this far." She let out a small mumble as she moved towards the front doors.

In order to avoid making eye contact with the vampire lurking behind her, she reached out her hand to touch the symbols carved onto the oak with the pad of her bare fingers. The uneven surface bumped against her soft skin as she lazily trailed her finger down the thorny stem of the rose snaking around the cross.

"Would you rather have me toss you away after marrying you as if it held no meaning in my sight?"

Her hand froze midway on a thorn as she heard him utter those words.

'Do I really want him to do that?' She knew he had striked a nerve.

Not knowing how to reply, she chose to remain mum at his rhetorical question.

A sudden whoosh of air caused the hood on her head to fall down just before a cold chill ran down her spine, narrating the failure of her attempt to put some distance in between them.

He was now standing right behind her.

"It's an ancient custom from Rome where the groom has to carry the bride up the stairs." His gentle whisper tickled the skin behind her ear causing her to shiver involuntarily.

'Carry.. the bride?' Her eyes widened with shock as her mind registered his words.

Not giving her a chance to retort, he placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her around to face him. Leaning down, he placed a gentle peck on her cheek before lifting the petite female up in his arms. It all happened too fast, leaving her little time to make out the situation. A small shriek escaped her lips impulsively as her hands went behind his neck for support, causing him to let out a small chuckle.

"Did you just.. laugh?" Her eyes were fixated on the small grin that was gracing the corners his lips.

He continued to trudge forward as if he had done nothing out of the ordinary, "I did."

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