Chapter 7

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The tarnished silver chains rustled behind him as the man trod in her direction slowly. She refused to look into his eyes. She didn't have the courage to stare into the face of death himself. Instead she stared at his chained feet. With every step those pale feet took closer to her, she could feel herself nearing her miserable end.

She tried thinking about the few happy moments she had in her life, but the fear gripping at her heart rendered her unable to do so. She felt as if thousands of needles were piercing the skin on her face. Cold sweat dripped down her back. Breathing already hurt but in this turmoil, she had lost her voice too. 

She tried screaming, but only air came out. She tried moving away but her injuries didn't allow it. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably. She clenched her eyes shut and prayed for it to be over as soon as possible. This bone chilling fear intermingled with her pain, she couldn't handle it anymore.

In her suffering, she hadn't realised that the rustling of metal chains had stopped. The room was once again embraced by a deep silence. She opened her eyes and the scene in front of her made her heart jump out of her chest.

Pale feet were standing just a few inches away from her.

When she didn't make any move, the man crouched down in front of her. She kept her eyes glued to his feet, till a hand reached out and grabbed her chin, turning her head in his direction. His grip felt just like him. Stone cold.

She looked up and found the man staring into her soul with his crimson orbs. The moment she made eye contact with him, the fear inside her heart vanished. The feeling she had when she first entered this castle—the feeling of being home—returned. The traces of a longing buried in the depth of tranquillity disappeared. He made them disappear.

She continued staring at him. She felt safe with this man. A man who just turned alive from a stone cold statue.

His grip on her chin loosened. She felt disappointed on losing the contact. But the disappointment soon turned into surprise when he gripped the back of her neck and leaned into her, pressing his cold lips to her warm ones.


She didn't know the meaning of true bliss till she felt his icy lips caressing hers. He trapped her bottom lip between his teeth and started sucking it gently. The force of it made the wound reopen and her warm blood started flowing inside his mouth once again. She could feel the metallic taste of it mixed with his sweet kiss. A low moan escaped the back of her throat as he sucked a bit harder trying to get more blood out of the wound.

When the blood from her lips didn't seem to quench his thirst, his lips started travelling down. He made a path for himself. Starting by kissing the corner of her mouth and then moving towards her soft cheek. He placed a tender kiss just below her jaw and continued this torture till he reached the side of her neck. He could feel a pulse throbbing there. Unable to control his hunger, he licked that spot and plunged his fangs deep inside her artery without a second thought.

Suddenly the sweet sensation was replaced by a deep agonizing pain. Her eyes, which had closed on their own accord, opened wide with pain. She tried pushing him away with her small fists, but it was like pushing against a wall. Useless.

The reality of the situation finally sank in. He was a monster and she was in his clutches. She willingly walked into the lion's den. She served herself on a silver platter to him.

He continued sucking the energy out of her, unaware of the pain he was causing her. His hand behind her neck tangled in her raven locks as the other one gripped her waist firmly. A loud hiss escaped her lips at his hand making contact with her broken ribs, which didn't go unnoticed by him. She pushed harder on his chest, making him release her. He licked the two punctured holes on her neck one last time before moving away.

He backed away slowly looking at her with inquisitive eyes. His gaze locked on her hand gripping her side and realisation dawned on him. She was severely injured.

His chained hand moved towards his bloody lips as his fangs ripped through his wrist. Blood oozed out of the wound immediately and he pushed it inside her mouth. She gagged as his blood went down her throat. She tried prying her mouth away but he didn't let her. He held her firmly in place with his hand holding the back of her neck.

She kept squirming, silently protesting until he parted his lips and uttered a single word.


She stopped moving. There was something in his deep velvety voice. It was compelling her to listen to him. Obey him.

She looked up at him with her eyes—large pools of greyish blue hue. Those crimson orbs softened at the site of them. He moved his hand away from her lips. The wound on his wrist closing on its own.

He held her face between his big rough hands, his lips dangerously close to hers.

"Sleep." He whispered against her lips. His voice felt like it was coming from a distant place, resonating inside her skull.

Dizziness washed over her. She didn't fight it this time. She gazed at the beautiful monster with hazy eyes, saying one last word before darkness claimed her.


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