Chapter 52

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There he was in the flesh, sitting right before her on the edge of the bathtub. With his long legs clad in tight black slacks, stretched in front of his V shaped torso, his impassive emerald gaze burning holes through her soul, his jet black  hair framing his pale face in a bewitching manner. His skin looked more porcelain than the smooth surface he was gingerly tracing with his fingers. He looked like a life-size doll.

She had almost forgotten how breathtaking he had always looked.

She hadn’t seen him in the past two months. She was well aware of the fact that he came to visit her every night in their room when he was sure that she had fallen asleep. Sometimes he just watched her from a distance and sometimes, he’d come close to place a hand on her rapidly swelling belly. He didn’t make any more contact with her other than this.

She had tried communicating with him through these interactions but every time she made an effort to peer her eyes open, he’d be gone before her eyes could even adjust to the darkness in the room.

She had lost almost all hope of meeting him, until now.


She was staring dumbfounded at him when all of a sudden he got up from his seat and started strolling leisurely in her direction. His fingers slightly stroked her hands as he took the robe from her hold. His touch didn’t feel as cold it used to be.

‘What is he doing?’

With furrowed brows, her gaze kept trailing after his looming built, silently observing his actions.

Slowly, his slender fingers moved her wet hair away from her shoulders making a shiver pass down her spine. He had moved to stand behind her and was carefully guiding her hands through the sleeves of the robe. After a small moment, his hands came from behind her and wrapped themselves around her bulging belly. It almost looked like he was hugging her but in reality he was only fastening the knot of the bathrobe.

His touch was driving her insane with need.


His lips remained unmoving in response as his fingers moved away from her torso to trail down her arm. Reaching her hand, he clasped their hands together, taking her to sit in the small chair in front of the vanity mirror.

Her eyebrows raised as she found him take a small towel out of a drawer and start patting her hair dry with it.

“Why are you doing this now?”

Instead of pacifying her heart, his odd behavior was scaring her. He was doing everything with so much dedication, it seemed like it was his last time tending to her.

“Say something.”

Without answering her calls, the vampire king disappeared from behind her, appearing back in the blink of an eye, this time with a floor length floral dress and a set of undergarments in his hands.

She didn’t protest or let out another word as he slowly untied the knot of her robe, delicately pulling both halves apart to let it fall down till her waist. Her tender, low hanging breasts were left exposed to his view. Her nipples, now bigger and darker than before, were poking out. She didn’t know whether the cold was responsible for it or his unwavering stare.

After a second or two had passed, the man slowly kneeled down behind her, placing a gentle hand under her arms, motioning her to lift them up a bit. He was leaning over to pull the straps of a soft cotton bra up her arms as his minty breath tingled the bare skin on her neck making her arch her back. His movements resembled that of a snake’s. His fingers seemed to be gliding on her flesh. The moment he clasped her bra, the urge to pull his head up and make him kiss her parched lips became all too strong.

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