Chapter 26

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Author's Note:

Sorry, I'm late.
No, I wasn't slacking off 😔
The sleepless nights had finally decided to take a toll on my body. I had been writing this chapter for almost a week but couldn't produce a satisfactory scenario with my words. I had gotten so damn frustrated  (not sexually 😂)
I read all of your comments and I appreciate all of it.
I love you all so much for supporting this story and letting it be a part of four leading tags. You're all amazing. AMAZING. 😍❤
This may seem rushed and I'm sorry for that but I couldn't bring myself to make you all wait any longer.

"I'm yours, eternally, my dear beloved."

Greyish blue storms caught in her bewildered gaze collided with the ferocious flames dancing in his green orbs. Each searched the eyes of other, probing for any trace of mistrust. None was found.

The girl sighed, tearing her gaze away from the dark lord, her attention shifting back to the dull pain in her neck. Her cold hands found the throbbing spot, rubbing it gently to relieve the pain. Her head leaned against the wall behind as she closed her eyes taking in everything that had happened in the span of past twenty four hours.

"What did you do?"

The words left her lips in a barely audible whisper, while she made no attempt to move. If it hadn't been for his sensitive hearing, he'd have thought himself to be hallucinating.

"I unlocked the seal on your neck," She heard him pause for a moment, probably to observe her reaction. Parting her eyelids slightly, she saw his burning emeralds tracing the outline of her raven hair tumbling down her back in a heap of unruly locks. His gaze held fascination when it went back up to stop at her neck, zeroing in on the place where she had placed her hand over his mark, "The seal that hid your identity as my beloved."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "I didn't know anything about it. How did you know? You didn't recognize me at first."

Her cluelessness seemed to ignite his curiosity further. Placing one hand on the cold floor, he put weight on it to lean closer to her huddled figure in the corner, "It glows at the hour the vampire intends to bite."

His orbs were flickering between crimson and emerald alternatively, expressing the rush of emotions he was feeling due to her presence. She clenched her hand into a tight fist in a failed attempt to get her rapidly beating heart under control.

'Behave, Faith. The man was going to murder you two minutes ago.' She reprimanded herself, turning to the side to move out of his grasp.

Once she was a safe distance away from him, she drew her legs to her chest, placing her chin on top of her knees. Moving out of his clutches seemed to clear her senses, making her painfully aware of the complex situation she had unknowingly fallen into. Lifting her hand gingerly, she, again, touched her neck with the tip of her cold fingers.

'This seal..' Her mind was still trying to wrap itself around the new discovery, "Who could put this seal on me? Ruth?"

She had no idea she had said it out loud until his voice reached her ears from her side,

"Only a vampire can place a seal on his mark," Her head turned swiftly at his remark.

"Who is Ruth, Faith?"

An Inquisitive look was painted all across his face, telling her how different he was from the present Ares. The Ares she knew never showed much emotions. This wasn't her Ares.

Avoiding his stare, she looked away, chewing on her bottom lip, 'Should I tell him everything?'


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