Chapter 39

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Not really satisfied with it, but you all wanted me to update fast and I tried my best...


A soft whisper caressed her sleeping brain, urging her to abandon the clutches of sleep and hearken to its anguished call.


Having been accustomed to these nightmarish dreams, she didn't need to hear anymore to recognize the owner of the voice. All these hellish nightmares started out the same way, following a definite pattern with Ares calling out desperately to her, accusing her of leaving him and then ended up with loud painful cries of agony, leaving her petrified to the core. Worst thing being, she could feel everything. Every bit of sentiment he felt while calling out to her, she could feel it as well as if instead of him, she were the one who'd fostered these emotions.


Small distant whispers had developed into thunderous roars of torment by now.

His calls were tugging at her heart mercilessly, prompting her to soothe his distressed pleas immediately, yet she made no move to speak.

By now, she had become painfully aware of the fact that no matter how hard she tried seeing, moving or speaking in these scenarios, she simply couldn't. She felt correspondent to a drowning person who had already succumbed themself to the unforgiving waves of a deep dark ocean. She was powerless, caughy inside an unending web of waves, only allowed to hear the sounds coming from the shore, unable to respond, unable to resurface, forced to go with the flow begrudgingly.

"Do not do this, Faith. I beg of you!"

Once again, his rumbling voice resonated through her skull. He sounded like a man who was getting his heart ripped out of his chest.

'This isn't what I usually dream of.'

"What wrong has this innocent child done to you?"

'Child? What child? What's he talking about?'

Hearing him deviate from the usual conversation had completely baffled her.

Out of the blue, a sharp excruciating pain hit her insides, jarring the strings inside her head loose. A sudden need to clutch her head into a deathly grip washed over her, fueling her already wrecked senses with an uninvited addition of extreme frustration.

'Hurts.. It hurts..'

She had felt this suffocating pain before on multiples occasions through these nightmares yet it didn't even come close to the thing she was experiencing at that moment. It felt like she was getting punched in the gut again and again, rendering her unable to gulp, even just once, enough amount of air inside her lungs.

"I beg of you, Faith! I beg of you! Do not harm this child."

Her head felt underwater, barely able to keep herself afloat whilst Ares' undeniably mortifying voice seemed to grow more and more distant with time.

He was drifting apart from her.

'No, don't leave me alone in this pain. Don't go.'

It was of no use. His cries kept getting farther and farther away from her.

'Don't go! Don't go!'

All of a sudden an eerie silence fell over her shadowy surroundings almost as if a switch had gone off. Regardless of however hard she tried, she couldn't hear anything anymore, not even the sounds of her own chaotic breathing.

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