Chapter 18

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Thank you for all of your beautiful wishes! 😍
I couldn't help myself from writing another chapter as soon as I felt a bit better. It may be a bit sloppy. Point out any mistake you see.

You guys are amazing! 💕
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Pitter pattering of rain reached her ears. It was the same rain that she had witnessed countless times during her short life span yet it sounded very different. She heard a fat water droplet descending from the sky sliding off the wet surface of a leaf, land on the ground with a soft splash, creating ripples in a muddy puddle. Her mind was able to distinguish every sound.

She felt herself move forwards. Leather shoes produced a light tapping against the wet gravel. The clouds roared, drowning out most of the sound. A door opened with a loud creak.

The scene lit up with a bright flash of lightening. There were rows and rows of  benches on her both sides. A big wooden cross hung from the wall in front of the room. A loud booming sound followed, rattling the numerous glass windows lining the walls. She continued to walk. The elegance in her gait drew everyone's attention, as they turned in their seats to look at the demanding presence that had stepped foot inside their vicinty. Recognition shone in their eyes as all of them stood up in respect.

'Ares...' She trailed off. That name was enough to explain everything.

She saw the scene unfold through his eyes. People were less apprehensive of him in this memory. They were in the middle of a mass service. 'He can enter a church? So he isn't affected by a cross?'

He gestured with his hand for everyone to resume their seats. They reluctantly obeyed. He sat in one of the benches at the end, where he had a panoramic view of the church. The service started. He remained still, calmly observing every move of the people present in there.

After the service had ended, a man with salt and pepper hair, standing on the pulpit, stepped down. He wore a long tunic that reached his feet. A silver cross dangled from his neck as he approached Ares with a warm smile, "You are new here, lad."

She felt Ares eyeing the man in a scrutinizing way. "I'm the new Lord assigned here by the king."

Something flicked across the man's eyes. It was gone in the next moment. Ares narrowed his eyes. The man seemed suspicious.

"Milord," He bowed slightly, "I'm Father Gabriel."

He seemed familiar. She observed him intently. 'Where have I seen him before?' She racked her brain for answers. 'Who is he?' Suddenly something clicked inside her.

His eyes. She had seen his eyes before. He shared the same eyes with her. Her eyes were unique. She had never seen anyone with the same big pools of greyish blue hue. Seeing the similar storm captured in this strange man's eyes, scared her.

She remembered what Ares had called in her dream, "Daughter of the Abbot."

She woke up with a sudden jolt. Her breaths were coming out in short pants. She put a hand to her forehead. She was drenched in her own sweat. She sat there for some time, rocking herself back and forth, trying to calm herself down. She passed a hand through her damp hair. 'What's dream? What's real? I can't get it anymore.' The lines between reality and fantasy were beginning to get blurred. 'Maybe a shower would help.' She got out of the bed to head in the bathroom's direction.


She was drying her hair with a towel when her phone's screen lit up casting a dull glow in the dark room. She went to the bedside to pick it up. Shock crossed her face as her mouth dropped open slightly. She clutched the phone tightly.

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